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*The next day Aidy and Chloe are at Chloe's house while Jack and Wyatt are cleaning up the mess that was made at the party.*

Jack: Did you have a good birthday?

Wyatt: Yeah it was really fun, got a bit weird at the end though right?

Jack: Yeah, really weird, are you going to tell Chloe?

Wyatt: Yeah, she has to know, I'm just worried about what she is going to say.

Jack: Well you didn't do anything wrong, it was just a random girl that got into the party.

Wyatt: Yeah but I don't think it was a random girl.

Jack: Well who was it?

Wyatt: Well I don't know if I'm right and there are videos of her so I will just show Chloe them, see if she recognises her.

Jack: Cool, just text her now and ask her to meet you somewhere.

Wyatt: You're coming with us.

Jack: Okay, tell her to meet us at the skate park at 1.

(Text message between Chloe and Wyatt.)

Wyatt: Hey Clo xx

Chloe: Hey, you okay? xx

Wyatt: Yeah, do you want to meet me and Jack at the skatepark at 1? I kinda need it talk to you.xx

Chloe: I'm with Aidy so I can come but only if she can too and is everything okay? x

Wyatt: Yeah of course Aidy can come and it isn't serious just something you might want to know.x

Chloe: Okay see you then xx

(End of text message) (Time skip to 12:30)

Chloe: What did I do yesterday? Did I do something wrong?

Aidy: No, I don't think so, I was with you most of the time and he was sending you kisses over text so he cant be angry at you.

Chloe: Okay, lets go.

(At the skatepark)

Wyatt: Hey.

Chloe: Hey, You okay?

Wyatt: Yeah thanks.

*Wyatt kisses Chloe on the forehead.*

Chloe: So what did you want to tell me?

Wyatt: Oh yeah, lets go and sit over there.

( As Wyatt and Chloe go and sit down on a bench Aidy and Jack go into the skatepark.)

Chloe: So what's up?

Wyatt: So last night when you and Aidy left we were getting ready to make everybody else leave when some girl ran in and started asking where you were. She asked me and I asked her who she was cause I didn't know then I told her you had gone home. She started laughing then she started asking me if I loved her, I said no because I don't and she started crying and just kept repeating 'Do you love me?'

Chloe: What happened after that?

Wyatt: Security came over and took her away but she looked familiar, everybody left and that's it really.

Chloe: Okay, Why did she look familiar?

Wyatt: I have no idea, I think Jack has a video of her, wanna see?

Chloe: Yeah.

*Wyatt Calls Jack and Aidy over and Jack shows the girls the video. When it is over the girls just look at each other.*

Jack: What's wrong?

Chloe: And this was last night?

Wyatt: Yeah do you know who that is? She knew you.

Chloe: Yeah I know her.

Jack: Who is it?

Aidy: That's Hope.

Wyatt: The girl you used to be friends with?

Chloe: Yep. Used to be.

Jack: Well yesterday she said something a bit weird.

Wyatt: Yeah she wanted to know where you were, said you guys needed to talk.

Chloe: Oh, okay.

Aidy: You okay Clo?

Chloe: Yeah but I want to go home now.

Aidy: Okay, I'll come with see you later boys.

Jack: Bye.

(Wyatt hugs Chloe and then the girls leave.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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