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Aidy's POV:

I left Chloe and Wyatt alone so they could talk and I went into another room to talk to Jack. I text him to see if he was free to facetime and he said yes so he FaceTimed me.

Jack: Hey, thanks for calling me.

Aidy: It's all good thank you for putting your number into my phone without me knowing.

Jack: Yeah I'm sorry about that, to be honest I didn't have the courage to ask you in person.

Aidy: What do you mean, You are literally Jack Dylan-Grazer, You could ask any girl for their number and they would say yes a thousand times. 😂

Jack: So you are saying you wanted my number but were just scared to ask.

Aidy: Is that what I said? (Aidy said awkwardly.)

Jack: No I'm just joking though I shouldn't be because that was definitely what is going on.

Aidy: Oh Shut Up!

Jack: Okay, Okay. (He laughs.)  Hey wanna go out tomorrow?

Aidy: Where too?

Jack: I don't know, Um, Skate park?

Aidy: Yeah seems fun, Are we inviting Chloe and Wyatt?

Jack: Yeah, it will be fun.

Aidy: Okay, well Chloe is on FaceTime to him right now so I will go in and ask.

Jack: Okay.

Aidy goes in to Chloe.

Aidy: Hey, Do you and Wyatt want to come to the skate park tomorrow with me and Jack?

Chloe: Yeah, that will be fun but I don't know how to skateboard.

Wyatt: It's okay I will teach you.

Jack: Awwwwww, how cute.

Wyatt: Jack Stop we are not dating.

Jack: Okay then, well I'm gonna go I will see you all at the skatepark tomorrow at 2:3o, yeah?

Wyatt: yeah I'm gonna go bye. See you then.

Both boys end the call, and the girls are left to wonder how they got so lucky with the boys.

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