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Lisa's POV:

Chloe and Aidy walked back up to the car with huge smiles on their faces, I could tell something had happened but I assumed I would hear about it on the way home. The girls hopped in the back of the car and automatically started talking about what had happened only minutes before.

Chloe: Aidy, I don't know what to do.

Aidy: About what, quick tell me.  (Aidy said impatiently.)

Chloe: Okay, chill out, basically he gave me this piece of paper and told me to not open it until I got home but I cant wait.

Aidy: Just open it, he will never know.

Chloe: Okay, okay, I will.

Chloe opens the piece of paper and all it says is 'call me, this is my number, ***********. xx

Chloe: Oh my god, it's his number, Do you think it's real?

Aidy: Chloe, he gave it to you himself, It cant be fake, ahhhhhh, he likes you.

Chloe: No, don't say that cause you will get my hopes up and this is Wyatt Oleff we are talking about, he is cute, there is no way he likes me!

Aidy: Chloe, he gave you his number, he doesn't give it out like it is nothing! Just phone him later to see what he gave it to you for.

Chloe: Yeah okay, but promise you will be there with me when I do it.

Aidy: But I'm not staying at yours tonight, and you can't call us both at the same time.

Chloe: Mom, please can Aidy stay tonight, it's really important to me.

Lisa: Yeah that's fine just don't do anything stupid, okay?

Aidy: We promise.

*Time Skip Till Later That Night.*

Chloe: Okay, I'm going to do it, I'm going to FaceTime him.

Aidy: Yes! You Go Girl.

*Chloe FaceTime's Wyatt*

Chloe: Hey, I didn't know if this was really you or not, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Wyatt: Yeah, It's actually me.

Chloe: This is going to sound weird but why did you give me your number?

Wyatt: Oh, well to be honest I thought you were cute and I wanted to get closer to you.

Aidy: Ooooooooo!

Chloe: Aidy, Shut up!

Aidy: Sorry.

Wyatt: Nah, It's all good, but Jack wants you to phone him aswell.

Chloe: But Aidy doesn't have Jack's number so how is she meant to phone him.

Wyatt: What do you mean? Aidy you do have his number. He gave it to you earlier.

Aidy: No he didn't we just spoke.

Wyatt: Check your contacts, He definitely gave you his number.

Chloe: I will check for you.

Aidy: I can check it myself, I'm not 2.

Chloe: But you will lie, I will check.

Wyatt: Hey guys, I'm still here.

Aidy: Oh yeah sorry.

Wyatt: It's okay.

(Chloe checks through Aidy's phone and sees somebody called 'Hottest person ever💞')

Chloe: Who is this then?  (Chloe says laughing)

Aidy: I don't know but he didn't give me his number.

Wyatt: Yeah he told me, he did it when you wasn't looking.

Aidy: Oh okay.

Chloe: Phone him then!

Aidy: Okay, will do that now.

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