Wyatt's party p2

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*The music is blaring and nobody can even hear themselves thinking. All of a sudden 'Not gone' by Katrina Stuart came on.*

Chloe: Wait, oh my god! This is our song!

Wyatt: Huh?

Chloe: No, not me and you, me and Aidy, where is she?

Wyatt: I don't know somewhere with jack I think.

Chloe: We have to find her! Come on!

*On the other end of the room*

Aidy: Wait! Where is Chloe?

Jack: she is with Wyatt somewhere, she is fine.

Aidy: yeah I know but this is our song, I have to find her!

Jack: I don't know where she is.

Aidy: Come on!

(Aidy grabs Jack's hand and is pulling him through the crowds of people trying to get to Chloe.)
(Chloe is doing the same with Wyatt, pushing past people to find Aidy.)

Wyatt: There she is! Over there.

Jack: I see Wyatt look.

(The girls start to run up to each other and get to each other just before the beat drop, they grab each other's wrists and start jumping and dancing about like maniacs.)
(Jack saw that Aidy was genuinely happy for once, she wasn't awkward like she was when she had got there, she was okay now and felt comfortable. Jack liked that a lot, he was happy that she was happy and he thought for a minute that maybe he liked her as more than a friend.)

*The song finishes*

Chloe: I'm so glad I found you, we were running everywhere.

Aidy: so were me and Jack.

*They all laugh*

(After a while they all go home, Jack and Wyatt stay at Wyatt's party and Aidy goes back to Chloe's house.)

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