Sunset part 1

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Jack, Wyatt, Chloe and Aidy all made it to Aidy's house, when they got there Aidy's parents cars were both gone because they had left to go on a business trip and Aidy was an only child so she had the house to herself for the week.


Chloe: Aidy I'm just going to put my skateboard in the living room, okay?

Aidy: Yeah go ahead, take the boys too. Show them around while I make us all a drink.

Jack: I'm gonna stay down here, with you, let Chloe and Wyatt go together.

Aidy: Okay, Chloe show Wyatt around, then wait in my bedroom, we can watch a film or something.

(Chloe and Wyatt go off.)

Jack: So Chloe just knows her way around your house?

Aidy: Yeah we have known each other since we were 3 and I have always lived in this house, so it's just like her second home really.

Jack: Yeah that's cool, that's the same with me and Finn really, and I'm happy that I'm getting closer to Wyatt as well.

Aidy: Yeah, that's cool, lets go upstairs.

They both go upstairs and meet Chloe and Wyatt in Aidy's room.

Chloe: Okay, lets watch a film or something.

Aidy: Or we could go and wait on the roof, its almost sunset and it's not too cold.

Chloe: Yeah lets do that, we can take blankets out as well and watch a film out there.

Wyatt: Girls you are way too exited about sitting on the roof, we could fall off you know.

Aidy: We could but me and Chloe do this alot. It is perfectly safe.

Jack: I'm down to come and sit on the roof and watch the sunset.

Wyatt: Nah I want to come and sit on the roof but I fall I blame you Chloe.

Chloe: What?! This is Aidy's house blame her.

Aidy: Excuse me don't bring me into this.

(They all laugh.)

*Time skip to when they are all on the roof.*

*They are all sitting in a row: Jack, Aidy, Wyatt, Chloe.*

*Jack moves away towards the edge to look to see how far the drop is. Chloe is watching YouTube on her phone, Aidy and Wyatt are watching vines on his phone. As Aidy and Wyatt almost cry from laughing Wyatt nudges Aidy a bit too hard and she rolls towards the edge of the roof, unable to stop herself. She almost falls off but not before Jack stops her.*

Jack: Oh my god Aidy, are you okay?

Aidy: I'm okay, sorry for worrying you.

Jack: Don't apologise for anything, it's not your fault.

Wyatt: Aidy, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to push you that hard.

Aidy: It's all good, we were just having fun.

*Time skip to a few hours later*

Aidy: Hey, I'm going to run inside and grab blankets and pillows so we can stay out here for a few hours to see the sunrise as well.

Chloe: I will come and help

Jack: No it's okay I can help

Chloe: Okay, I will stay outside with Wyatt.

(Aidy and Jack crawl back inside through her window to grab the blankets. Because Aidy has a bedroom in the Attic there are beams all along the ceiling, Jack didn't know this though and walked straight into one.)

Aidy: Jack, are you okay? This is twice you have hurt yourself today.

Jack: Yeah I know I'm clumsy, I'm fine though.

Aidy: Are you sure? It looks like it hurt pretty bad.

*Aidy gets closer to Jacks face so she can see it in the dim light.*

Jack: No I'm okay, the only thing it will do is leave a bruise and they don't hurt so, I'm all good.

*Aidy and Jack's faces are almost touching, to both of them it looks like they are going to kiss but they both pull away knowing that it isn't the right time. They go back outside with the pillows and blankets.*

Wyatt: Chloe fell asleep, What shall I do?

Aidy: Just cover her with a blanket she will be okay.

Jack: Aidy, is it safe to sleep out here?

Aidy: well me and Chloe always accidentally fall asleep out here but we both move around in our sleep and we don't want to fall off so we always move my trampoline right next to the roof but we probably cant do that right now cause it's like 1am.

Wyatt: It would be cool to sleep up here though.

Jack: Yeah, I think we should, I can keep a watch out for you and Wyatt can watch out for Chloe.

Aidy: We can but when you guys are asleep, me and Chloe are still going to move around.

Jack: Lets just do it anyway.

( Wyatt lays down next to Chloe and she cuddles into him, he puts his arm around her and she puts her head on his chest.)

(Jack and Aidy lie down next to each other but not sleeping, they both stay awake and look at the stars of about an hour.)

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