Girlfriend? part 2

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Chloe: Wyatt, what is all this for? Did you do this?

Wyatt: Yeah I did, do you like it?

Chloe: I love it, but why did you do all of this?

Wyatt: Well I needed to ask you a question because I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Chloe: You know you can tell me anything.

*As Chloe looks around the room at all of the pictures that the two had taken together Wyatt grabs a sign from behind the door*
Chloe turns around and sees Wyatt holding a sign that says 'Chloe I wanted to keep it simple stupid, so will you be my girlfriend?'*

Chloe: Wyatt, are you joking?

Wyatt: No, I'm being serious, I know we haven't known each other for long but when I met you and we got closer as friends I had a really good time and when we started getting even closer I knew I had to ask you out. I don't even mind if you don't say yes, I just needed to tell you how I feel.

Chloe: Do you mean all of that?

Wyatt: Chloe, I meant every single word, I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't.  So, will you be my girlfriend?

Chloe: Wyatt, I like you I really really do but I'm not sure if I can handle the pressure from all of your friends.

Wyatt: We won't tell my fans, not yet anyway, I will have to at some point but for now it can be a secret just between us two.

Chloe: I really really want to say yes.

Wyatt: Then do it, say yes.

Chloe: Okay, yes I will go out with you.

*Wyatt picks Chloe up and spins her around, all of a sudden Aidy and Jack come into the room and wait for their friends to stop hugging.*
*Then after that Aidy ran up and hugged Chloe and Wyatt and jack hugged.*
*Aidy and Jack left about 10 minutes later to give Chloe and Wyatt some space. Once they left Chloe and Wyatt spoke all night and watched movies all night.*

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