-I felt-

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Goth's P.O.V

I felt... so many different emotions. I was swimming in a raging sea full of my emotions. 

First, I felt angry. Of what Palette had the audacity to do. To hurt Cray, my long lost best friend. I never though of Palette as the bad one, he was always kind and caring. Scared to hurt anyone. Yet now, he gave off a different vibe. Like his mind went elsewhere, he became crazy, totally insane! Or was it the scared vibe of being exposed? Maybe terrified? He sure was shaking like crazy. He was just covering up for his mistakes and sins, I'm sure. If he admitted, I might be calmer. But he denied! Ah, of course he would. Afterall, we were best friends since Cray left and surely he wouldn't want that to end. Cray told me he was jealous of him. That he didn't want Cray back, because he's scared, I'll forget about him. I woulnd't. And he knows that. Still he did let that jealousy take over and do this horrible thing. That's causing the rage. Part of me doesn't want to accept that reality, but the look in his eyes were telling me he was lying the whole conversation. 

Poor Cray, he cried when I was treating his injury. I was a bad one, bright red.

Next, I felt betrayed. Palette did something I cannot forgive. It's a sin he paid for, and that was the loss of my trust in him. I felt betrayed, because he kept something hidden away from me. I though he trusted me, believed me. He could've just told me, we would figure it out together, like the friends we were. Was I not good enough for him to tell me he had that urge? It felt worse that I expected. He was with me all those years, acting all happy and caring, friendly and nice. While this monster was hidden deep inside, waiting to strike. Probably that made me feel betrayed. Like hundreds and hundreds of knives were stabbed inside my skull, inside my soul.

Sadness came next. I still didn't want to believe this happened. I wanted to live in a lie, that it was all just a dream. A misunderstanding. But after Cray repeated this story again and again. I just couldn't keep lying to myself. He actually did it. He used me to hurt the person who I wanted to keep safe, also. I wanted them both to be safe. And be friends with each other. Yet, I failed. No. Palette failed at keeping his cool. He was just faking his happiness all along, without any difficulties. I'm crying just of that thought.

That's all I felt before. Now, I feel sad and betrayed.

My mom, Geno, doesn't believe a piece of my story. But why is that? I told him the story how Cray told me. He didn't believe me. Is my mom on Palette's side? But why is that? Why is that my own mother doesn't believe her own child... Does he refuse to believe? Like I did at the start. Or does he want to live in that sweet lie about Palette being just a nice, kind, caring boy from my class that was my friend in the past. I got sad. So sad that I couldn't even feel like being angry at him. I know and I get it. My mom believes Pallete more, probably, just because he's been here longer that Cray was. A part of me is on my moms side, but the other is with Cray. I believe Cray, he wouldn't lie to me. He'd never... That's what I though about Palette... NO!

I don't want to be caught up in the past for long! There still is a chance of my dad believing me at least. If dad's not going to be on my side, then I don't know why. Part of me believes Palette and my mom, but the other doesn't. It's an inner battle of what was and what is. Palette is now in the past and I have to leave him behind. I'm not doing this because I want to, It's because he did the unforgivable thing to my friend, Cray. And he may never be forgiven, unless he comes, admits what he did and says sorry to my eyes. Maybe then, yes. Until that time, no.

Now, to wipe away my tears...


Did anyone give Cray a slap? No. Did he take the biggest ucking book he had in his bag and smacked himself with it? Probably.

From what I know, I know, that you don't know, that I know, that you don't know how Cray got that bright red cheek.... Yes, he smacked himself with a book, you're welcome

Is Geno siding with Palette and his parents? Yes. 

Did i change my writing style? Yes.

Am I going to make this into undertale-anime profile? No.

When will the next chapter be out? dunno

When will the next chapter for NAJ paperfresh be out? dunno


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