-The Plan-

597 20 9


A - 3 votes

B - 2 votes

C - 0 votes (Let's say)

D - 1 votes

And the plan winner isss..... B

Surprise!... Yes, the winner is B and if you have a problem with it, leave... The explanation is at the end. If you wish to know more, read or just skip the chapter to the explanation right away... THE CHAPTER IS STARTING NOW!


Silence filled the room. ,,What...Idea, mom?" I whispered my question. ,,Talk to him. Everyday, ask him, if he's free. Comunication is the key to a good relationship" she smiled and kissed my forehead, then, she wiped away my salty tears. ,,A-are you sure it'll work?" she hugged me a bit more. ,,It'll take some time, but yes, it will... And if anything, you can come to me or to your dad to talk, ok?" she lets me go and I nod. ,,I'll dress for the school then, mom! And I'll try!" she smiled and left my room. I felt positive again. I have a plan and I'm ready to do it! So, I take my usual clothes, making sure I have everything. ,,Hi mom! Hi dad! I'll go now or I'll come late, bye!" i run to take my boots and running out to school. I take a deep breath when i'm outside my home and start walking slowly. No need to hurry. There still is time, still the whole day. I was smiling, humming tunes i just made up. As I get closer, I, again, see Goth and Cray walking next to each other. As I look at their hands, I can tell that Cray want to hold hands with him. No. Cray, you though you won? The game's just starting, thank my mom, you're welcome.

But I'm not taking action now, I'm waiting, until we get to class, maybe there, I will get the chance. And as I blink, I already enter the school ground. Everyone is happily talking, smiling, laughing. No one really bullied anyone, just some fight there and there, it was a chill school, really. I slowly make my way to my locker, taking things I need for the first lesson. I watch Goth smiling with Cray, as they seperate their ways, because their lockers are far apart. I smiled at that fact. ,,Hey, Goth?" i approached. He looked confused my way, but smiled seconds later he saw me. ,,Palette! Hi!" he giggled. How cute... ,,Well... I was thinking... Are you free after school? You know, we didn't hang out in a while..." he opened his mouth but I stopped him. ,,Yes, i get it, Cray came back, you missed him, but I kinda miss hanging out... So...?" I looked away. ,,Sorry, not today, Palette... I have something with Cray again, but... maybe... Tomorrow? Not, that day not, i have something with my parents... What about the day after? The day after tomorrow?" i sighed in relief. ,,Sound great!" we give each other a high-five and laughed. ,,Hey Goth! Hey... Palette..." Cray came to us.

He didn't sound very happy. Is it because i'm trying? ,,Oh, hey Cray!" Goth waited for me. ,,Hey... Cray..." I death glared to his eyes, he death glared back. ,,Goth, I know you have something tomorrow, but wh-" Goth stopped him. Yes. ,,Sorry, no, the day after I want to hang out with Palette here, is it okay?" Cray looked like he was about to pull out a knife and stab me. ,,Yea... Sure... It is... Can I talk to you Palette? In private." Goth got the message. ,,Yes, you two talk, I will be in my class if anything!" and with that he left. We continued to death-glare at each other. ,,You little fucker, what made you try again?" I laughed, silently. ,,What made you ask this question?" I think he hated me answering with a question. ,,Okay, I will give you an answer, you will give me an answer, deal?" I was about to say no, when I though about it. ,,Fine, you have the deal, now, you first." we shook hands. ,,I asked, because just last week, all you did was go to this fucking place and sat in your fucking desk and did nothing. Didn't talk to him, didn't glance at him, I bet you were suffering. I finally though I fucking won and today you just come here and start batteling with me over him again?! You obviously know that I have already won, right?!" he was being VERY mean.

,,Well, I do not think so... I didn't leave him like 7 years ago..." I smirked. ,,You little fucker... Now, answer my fucking question..!" i wanted to laugh. My my, this was my idea already. ,,Well... No, thank you for that offer though, I liked that, at least a piece of you is a bit nice!" I took my stuff and went to my class. I bet he was standing there filled with rage. This was fun.


I'm too lazy to write with my words, so... Who am I quoting? (Copying messages...) The one and only Myoukin!

,,I'd say B or C, though C feels more manipulative. Communication is key in a relationship, Palette has to be able to talk to Goth and tell him what's going on to make things work long term. A's good, but without any communication, it can easily fall through. Goth may assume the gifts are from Cray or miss the gifts completely, causing the plan to fail. As for D, I could see this story's Palette being stubborn enough to refuse help, but I think his feelings would probably win out over his stubbornness.So the best option, to me, is B."
,,I suppose if A wins out, it would probably create more tension (thus more story) by Goth misinterpreting or not noticing the gifts. Though the same could happen with B, where Goth thinks Palette's being unreasonable and Palette argues with him about it, potentially causing a deeper rift. "

If you wish to read the while thing, you can under the last chapter!


Where the fuck were you? Two months away? Missing the "one year of this book and it's not done yet" thing? What the fuck? Are you, like, okay? The last time you said you were motivated, where did that shit go?

So... All that happened: Fixing grades, doing shit, watching Disney, getting into a new fandom, being in that fandom, getting into a new band, getting into a cartoon fandom, seeing my friend that is the whole republic away, telling my mom i'm not mentally fine and she didn't believe me... That's a lot!

I'm really sorry, tho, I'm not a robot... (A robot- Song reference!) And... I will not make myself do things i don't feel like doing... I AM sorry, so... sorry

And remember, this sotry will NOT be this smooth, it will have some more action in the future... near or far, idk, i have one more month of holiday, i can write more, but i still have some plans and i have to have the mood to do so, so yea... Love you all, this book is one year old and still not done due to my laziness... YAY! Let's watch some more SU.... 

With all of those word, this chapter is 1200+ words long, you happy? You deserve it!

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