-When school's back, buy some chocolate-

718 33 5

Palette's P.O.V

I wasn't used to be yelled at or being slapped, so maybe that's why I cried a little. But I know that this world isn't such a peaceful place, there are really mean people. I'm wiping those tears away and putting on my smile, I'm a strong person, so I'll get over it, quickly. ,,It's okay anyway, there has to be a rival in a game" I laugh it off like nothing and get up. And since it's still beautiful and I have some time, I though it would be nice to get some chocolate and maybe give some to Goth and maybe even Cray, but he doesn't seem to like me much.. so I'll just split up with Gothy! ,,It's Friday... only weekend... and back to school again... oh god noooooo" I cried to myself, I hate school. ,All of this learning and test.. it just kills me. But with Goth there, it's so much better!' I though to myself, entering a shop.

For a small shop, a few people were here. Some sweets, food for dinner. And I was here for something sweet. For that one chocolate. ,So, from what I remember he likes white chocolate... hmmm...' I was just like standing there and thinking. In the end, I ended up grabbing first white I saw and ended up buying two of them. ,,Goodbye!" I waved with a smile, exiting. Sometimes, even the smallest thing can make you happy. ,,So... I'll give it to him on Monday, just to bright up his day!" walking home, I yell, no one is here, so it doesn't matter. ,,And maybe I could even write a little letter to it, saying that I love him more like a friend..! Doesn't sound bad but it would be bad in the end" I stopped infront of my house. ,,Time to go home, I guess... I'm hungy" and with that, I enter. 


This is pre-writen so long... and it's shit because I don't have better ideas now (wow, it's like 0:30 AM)

Hope you like it >:3









Nah, ya won't get one ^^

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