-It's a joke, right?-

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-Lemmeh skip to MOndAy, thank you-

Palette's PoV

As the sun in my eyes slowly wakes me up, I hear birds singing melodies. Opening my eyes, the sun blinds me for a bit, making everything black, but after a second or two, I see the world in colors. I sit up, streching and yawning at a same time. ,,Palette?" I hear my dad, Ink, knocking on the door. ,,Don't worry dad, I'm fully awake now! I'll put on some clothes and come down for a breakfast!" my voice is cheerful today. I'm ready to see Goth in school and help him trough the day. That's what love does, right? ,,Okay dear, Mom and I will be waiting down" he left, as I jumped out of my bed, going forward to my wardrobe. ,,I'll wear my usual..." nothing better I see, so i just wear what I do everyday. My favouride hat, yellow scarf, still dirty from my first paiting-fighting lessons and a jacket, dirty too. Black pants and I'm ready to go. ,,Just adjust my hat... done!" and with a smile of a sun, I go see my mom and dad together. 

,,Hello there!" I sit next to my mom, like any normal day. ,,Hi Palette, I'm glad to se you happy! Here, here's your breakfast!" mom, Dream, gives it to me. My favourite eggs. ,,Wow! Thanks mom!" I grab a fork and eat. My mom's the best cook, my dad never cooks tho, he's kinda scared. ,,You have evrything?" I just nod at mom's question. ,,Good! Also, we got a message about a new student in your class, so, please, be prepared and be nice to them" mom smiled. ,,Of course mom, I won't fail at that" i eat the last piece. ,,Delicious mom, like always. I'll go now, bye!" i'm putting on my blue shoes and taking my bag. ,,Bye bye!" mom said with his sweet smile. ,,Bye son" and dad just went to the other page of newspaper. I just chuckled and left my home. I see Goth on his way, going slow. ,,GOTH!" I scream, running up to him. ,,Oh..Hi palette..." he's more whispering. ,,Something wrong?" I say, walking next to him. ,,Just kinda scared of the new student" he laughed nervously..

,,Hey, I think It'll be fine, maybe he'll be our new friend" I smiled. ,,Okay, I believe you Pally" he smiles bright. ,,There's the smile I know" and with that, we enter the school. ,,See you in class, bye!" his smile is magical. But no, not now, maybe in a class good-for-nothing. So I made my way trough a lot of pupils to my locker, putting my stuff in. The holiday's are over, so it's better than have it home. I just carried Math with me. Math is the first lesson I have today, what a nice time to see a new student! ,,Hey there, walking to class? Can I join?" i hear Goth. ,,Sure" it wasn't far, but I was still happy he went with me. Just our seats are the whole class away. And like nothing, the bell rang and everyone else got here. Someone later, but they were still good. And as was everyone talking, the teacher came in. ,,Stand up" as everyone shuted up their mouth and stood up. ,,Thank you, sit down" everyone did, end yet, someone was talking. ,,Before we start, v want you to welcome a new student here! Come in!" and everything i though about was broken in seconds. Cray entered the class with a neutral face, making me feel mad. 

,,This is Cray, he's 15 and he comes from very far, but I'm sure he's ready to have a nice time here and find new friends. Cray, please, go sit infront of Palette." Great, now, an asshole is sitting right infront of me. Nice. The rest of the school year is broken. ,,Hey, lil' bitch" he wispered. I didn't respond. ,,I'm looking forward to have a battle with you because of Goth, bitch" he smiled. ,,And I'm looking out to winning ang killing you, asshole" I think he just ignored me, but I didn't care anyway and just entered my mind full or rage, but fear. There was still a chance of Goth wanting Cray more, because he knew him before me. But there's no giving up hope now! I didn't come THIS far JUST to GIVE UP.



I live and I'm happy!

And ready to finish this book! In a month or two, and maybe even finishing my Nerd!Fresh x Jock!PJ book (do you even want me to write it? Please tell me!) and staring a new one! 

I'm just so motivated now, I need to get it out! :3

Love you all, bye!~

(This was not pre-writen, I wrote it now and published it now :3)

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