-A memory-

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,,Open the door sweety" dad said, sounding worried. I refused to open, I wanted to be alone. ,,Go away" I said, betwen my sobs, quietly but loud enough to hear me. ,,We can talk about it..." trying to calm me down with his voice. I didn't respond, just kept on crying siletly. Then, father said something, that made me remember... ,,Please, sweety, last time you cried it was 9 years ago..." he's right. I was 7 (Yup, Palette's 16 and Goth's 15 in this story, problem with that?). It's like it was yesterday...


7 years old Palette P.O.V

I'm walking with my parents to the playground. I scream because I see my best friend with his parents. First time we met I was only 3 years old, Goth was 2 years old. ,,We'll be with Geno and Reaper, okay? If you'll need anything, you'll know where you'll find us" mom gently kissed my forhead, I nodded and smile. When we got to them, Goth took my hand and draged me to play our favourite game, Hide and Seek. We played it all the time. Sometimes, I would veen climb a tree, so he couldn't find me.

And this day was that day, I was going to do that same. ,,Okay! I'm counting!" he screamed and started counting. I ran to the nearest tree. I climed it and waited. ,,Weady ow not, i'm coming!" Goth could say 'R', iIfound that really cute. I always blushed, when se said 'W' instead of 'R'. I was blushing greenish yellow. But still watched his steps. Looking everywhere but not on trees. ,,Pallete!?" I heard him, trying to find me. I giggled a little. ,,If you'we on a twee again i'm gonna be mad!" he sounded so cute when he was angry. I had to say that... He's accualy a one little cute marshmellow.

,,Fine then! I won't ask you about the sleepovew I was planning!" he turned around, ready to go. I jumped of, running behind him and hugging him. ,,Hewe u awe..." he smiled. He knew exactly what to say to get me off. ,,What sleepover?" I asked from curiosity. ,,Just you and me, we could wead ow tell stowies!" he laughed and blushed. ,,Awe we going to ask ouw pawents?" Letting him go, I nodded. ,,The last one is a dummy!" and he was already running away. ,,NOT FAIR!!" I started running too. We were just two happy kids enjoying life...

,,You'll be the dummy!" Goth laughed at me. I was mad a little, putting in my running full speed. But the karma got me. I tripped over my own leg, right on my face. I felt those hot tears, my leg hurt, I didn't broke it, if I did, I couldn't move it. I tried to get up, but my leg hurted a lot. I just laid here, crying. ,,P-palette!!" I heard Goths scream. Looking up, I see dad and mom running behind him right to me. Goth had some tears in his eyes, too. Mom fell on her knees. ,,Oh my god, are you okay sweety?!" mom was werry worried. Goth helped me up and I grabed mom by his cloak. ,,What hurst?" mom asked. ,,M-my leg... I- I didn't broke it.. i'm sure about that...." I said quietly, weeping a little.

,,Well.. I think we won't have that sleepovew..." Goth said, sadly. ,,You still can, but Goth will have to come to us, we can't let you go somewhere" mom said, making Goth smile. ,,I'll ask my pawents!" and he was far away in a second. ,,I watched him trough my own tears. He made me smile. ,,Are you okay?" mom asked again. ,,y-yeah...." I reaplied, wiping away tears and then smiling at him. He was so happy to hear that. Goth was running back again. ,,So?" I waited. He jumped and hugged me really tight. ,,We'll have sleepovew!!!!" he was so happy...

~End of flashback~

Still Palette P.O.V

,,Sweety, please..." dad broke me out from my memory. ,,Open... I want to help you" he was... sad... I couldn't anymore. I got up, trembling a lot, slowly opening the door, letting dad inside my room. I closed again, feeling weak, I was about to fall. I think dad saw it, because he hugged me. I cuddled to him, crying so much. ,,Just let it out sweety... don't hold them...." dad sat on my bed, still hugging me. He was whispering those calming words I wanted to hear from Goth. that made me cry for a little longer. Dad was silent, rubbing my back gently, in order to calm me down. Soon, I wasn't crying loudly, my tears were just falling. ,,Do you want to talk about it?" dad asked again. I nodded a litte, wiping my tears away... like when I was younger...

,,W-well... Y-you see... Som-meone... rej-jected my conf-fessi-ion..."


Words count: 813

Oh wow, that's a LOT MORE than I was expecting. I was expecting like 500 words max. but more that 800... no, it's impossible xD

Okay, I hope you liked this chapter, and remember... if you'll see a mistake... don't care and YELL AT ME ^^


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