-How do you fight with a broken heart to win a broken heart, mother?-

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Confession and explanation. At. The. End

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13.5.2018, after school

Something felt off. Really off. Yesterday, the day after Goth and I agreed to hang out, he didn't even want to look at me. The look in his eyes him forcing himself to make even the shortest eye-contact with me. I felt something... I have no clue what it was, it just came, hit me in the stomach and left. I hope nothing happened to him, we're supposed to be hanging out tomorrow. I should probably talk to him taking the risk of making thing worse. Yes, I'm going to take that risk. ,,Goth?" I started, rearranging my hat, to look a bit normal. ,,You do everything that and yet you still have the courage to talk to me?!" he yelled out of nowere, making some monsters turn to us. ,,What? What are you..." my mind froze. It was a big block of ice. What happened while I wasn't with him? ,,Oh, NOW You're doing like you know nothing!" his screams were cutting through me. ,,I really have no clue, Gothy... Please, explain..?" I tried to be calm. ,,Do. Not. CALL ME THAT!" stomping on the ground, I shivered. ,,Why not? I'd always call you this..?" my voice was trembling. I was shaking. ,,What you did is unacceptable! I can not ignore this! No longer! I tired to, but NO" my mind was frozen more that ever. I was scared for my friendship with him. Everything was breaking. ,,I will not let you speak another word until I get my point straight! Listen here, No one has the right to say bad things to my friends, this includes YOU!" people were stopping, looking at us. ,,Those things you did and said to Cray, my beloved friend, are horrible!" Cray? No... He did not...

,,What makes you think you have the right to slap him in the face?! And telling him that coming back was his biggest mistake?! No! You telling him THAT was YOUR biggest mistake!" he really did... ,,And worse- It hurts me more that it hurts him!" I flinched at the high voice. He raised it to the point where he would win a screaming fight... ,,To think that my.... best friend... would hurt a friend that had to leave me not by his choices..." he looked like he was about to cry. Now THAT hurts my soul. Cutting it in half. ,,You... who was here the whole time I was alone and needed somebody.... You, who was there to wipe my tears... I though I could trust you... And I did.... but looks like you took the very last of my trust to you away with this action. I cannot trust you no more... You did hurt my dearest friend in the end and that is unforgivable... What do you have to say now..?" the tear was falling down his bony cheak, his body shivering with rage. His eyes were still looking at me like they were about to murder me. Was he.... trying to guilt trip me? ,,No, you got it mixed up.... Cray slapped me and we got into a fight..." I tired protecting myself and our friendship, that was dear to me. ,,And... yes, we slapped the other a few times, but nothing worse happened.... don't you... believe at least a bit?" He shaked his head. ,,I know you for a long time, but Cray was the first person to ever befriend me. Not long ago, he came to me, crying, with a red cheek, telling me all the awful things you said." I wanted to scream the pain I felt away.

I was loosing him, I truly was. ,,See? Look at him and admit it! Maybe then I can forgive you..." Cray stepped out as I noticed the bright red cheak. Altough it really was not from me. It was just face paint, dare I say. Did he force himself to cry just to make my life worse? ,,Goth, how can I admit something I didn't even do in the first place?" I said, voice low, almost a whisper to all around. Goth, on the other hand, heard me clear. His eyes widen with shock and rage at the same time. Almost like he want to summong his scythe. ,,I have you a change and I may not give you one no more. Once, when you gain back your smarts and logic and you come running back, apologizing to the BOTH OF US.... then maybe I may have some more faith in you and you will get a second chance... For now, this cannot continue on... Cray, let's leave him and his lies here, we have to get you fixed up." and he turned away from me. I coudln't see to his eyes, couldn't tell what he's feeling anymore. Cray stayed behind, just to give me a smirk and threw a little folded paper at me. Scared, I unfold it as I read. 'Battle me, then' the message reads. But how can I battle for a heart that's already stolen and broken by lured lies to it? Cray broke everything he had to me, he trust me no more. Monsters, who were looking at me, were looking with pity, though some of them were raging at me. Hot tears of powerlessness began to make their way on my salty cheeks. Oh, how many night have I cried over this again? Another one to the list then.

My running is not steady, not at peace, it's always changing. I tripped over a rock there and there, but not falling down compeletly. I felt so weak yet so strong. I wanted to just lay down into the grass and cry my hours away, but those tears were telling me there still might be a chance, that I havr to fight for him. I ran somewhere quiet, not even noticing the surroundings changing. I was on the filed next to my town. It was rather quiet here, a car passing by sometimes. It was relaxing. A perfect place to cry in. Though I can't stay here for long, nedless to say my parents would worry sick and I have no need to put them through that. So I jsut sat there, at the end of the road, looking up at the sky. The clouds were creative today. I saw a lot of shapes, like hearts, turtles, and even a little doggie. Maybe they're trying to cheer me up. not for long, a message rang. Oh, my mom reminding me of the cinema we're going to today. I smiled. That was something I wanted to hear. Standing up, I began to make my way back home. To the little cozy house with my loving mom and dad. Passing numbers of monsters, looking at me, maybe asking why tears are rolling down my cheeks. I didn't look back at them, maybe they were asking themself nothing. In the end, every has their own life, why bother with strangers. Chuckling and standing before my door, I take the handle, when I hear the soft talking of my mom. Is she talking with someone over the phone? Seems like it. 

So I come in, quiet like a mouse. He's not looking happy much. ,,Okay.... Goodbye... Yes, I'll ask him... Yes, bye" and he hanged up. ,,Palette? Great timing! I need to ask you a few things" then even I remember. The cinema was supposed to be with Goth and his family. Oh god, my mom knows then. ,,Geno says Goth told him you were really mean to Cray, Geno doesn't really believe the story Goth told him and Reaper isn't there to judge. So I'm asking you... What really happened?" and I started explaining. From the start to the end, ending with Goth not trusting me anymore. ,,Dear, that's really bad... don't you have another clue why Cray's doing all this?" my mom asked. ,,To be fair with you, mom, no... I think it's just the love obsession he has over him... I have a question, also..." he raised his eyebrow. ,,How do you fight with a broken heart to win a broken heart, mother?" my voice was cold at this second. He just closed his eyes, thinking a bit. ,,You don't" he smiled at me, but it was indeed a sad smile.

-1390 word of the story it self-

Let me confess something first, please.


It's not the way you think. I love undertale! Even deltarune! Heck, I own a pencilcase and a school bag with undertale! It's just the mood for writing never really came to me, you know? And now it did and I wrote this in one sitting, took me like and hour, knowing the story and so on. But there is one thing.
Undertale is no longer the only fandom I want to write about. Yes, undertale (mostly sanscest) will be like the main topic, but I also want to write something else. So i'm asking if it's alright to all of you reading this. This would include tho other topics: Sanders sides and Yakusoku no Neverland. And It would need a new wattpad name, since I'm not going to be only undertale fanfiction wattpad profile no more. But I am only asking, if it would be alright with all of you, who are here of this story and for undertale. You would still get undertale, sanscest and deltarune, but there would be also other fandoms on this profile. I just want to know- is it okay?

To the explanation... I don't have much now, it's just that Cray is luring lies to Goth about Palette being mean to him, causing Goth to dislike Palette... Yes


Okay, more:

Why didn't I come back earlier? You see, I still have school, I have other activities. It's all about the mood for writing a new chapter. When it comes, a new chapter comes with it, I just had to wait for it to come back.

What happened while I was gone? Found my significant oher! Got into high school! And i'm failing ninth grade awesomly. With this, you can assume my age, it will never be confirmed by me, because I don't want to give my age online, that can cause a lot of problems in the end.

When will another chapter come out? I have no clue, I might come out soon tho... joking joking... unless...

Fine, I'm making jokes now, I really have to stop...

Funfact: I'm all about the gay shit-

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