-Why always him?-

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-Skip by me b???? ?????????? ????? ??? ??????- ALSO, HEAVY SWEARING!!

It has been a fucking month and Goth started to ignore me more and more each day, as the time went by. I tried doing everything. Taking him out, taking him to watch a movie, buying his favourite chovolate or even trying him to go to a sleep-over with me, like we used to. But no, everytime, he was with Cray or anything. Or his mom needed him, or his dad was teaching him or he just had plans with That son-of-a-bitch. I was so done, I was ready not to go to school today. I need a longer break than just two fucking days. It's Monday, the day no one loves, the day everyone hates. I'm in my bed, hugging my pillow, just being done. I'm done. I'm ready to give up on the war. I was ready to do anything just for him to be happy. For him to smile.

,,Palette!" my mom to wake me up, oh god, this is going to be tough. ,,It's time for school my dear!~" my mom is always so sweet and nice, but can get mad sometimes, when I don't listen. ,,Go away, mom." I really didn't mean to sounds so cold. I just... did. ,,What? What do you mean? Palette, you have school, things to learn, friends to see..." she gently opened the door. ,,I don't have friends." i hugged my pillow more. ,,What? I though Cray was your friend and.. what about Goth?" mom came into my room, shuting the door behind her. ,,Cray was never my friend and dare I say, GOTH FORGOT ABOUT ME!" I was yelling, thank god not crying. ,,Why do you say that? You and Cray seemed like good friends... And.. why would Goth forgot about you?" came to me, sat on my bed, next to me.

,,Cray was NEVER my FRIEND. And Goth forgot about me, he just did. He has Cray now, he won." i sat up, keeping tears hidden. There was this... wierd silenece, uncomfortable. ,,Palette" my mom's voice tone changed into a serious one. ,,What have you tried to make Goth be with you?" she looked me in the eyes. ,,Taking him out to part, or taking him to a movice, or asking him if he want to sleep over here... or trying buying his favourite chocolate... nothing works mom, it's hopeless" i said, seeming sad. ,,Dear, tell me" she took my face into her palms. ,,Do you love Goth?" i was kinda shocked. I know my mom can sense feelings, like anger, the lack to murder, love and more, but didn't know she could sense who we love or want to kill. ,,Yes..." a tear escaped my eyes. She hugged me. ,,Look into my eyes, and I'll tell you what" so I did, waiting. ,,When your dad was in love with someone else than me, I was heartbroken, too. I tried everything to make your dad love me, but nothing worked. Then, he came to me, crying, saying sorry-" i shushed my mother. ,,I know that story mom, but this one is not so similar. Cray loves him, I love him, he has to choose. There is no way Goth would cry after Cray rejecting, Cray loves him..." I just... looked away.

,,I didn't know... Palette, I'm sorr-" I hugged my mom, I started crying, like I did cry when dad told me, how he was rejected. ,,Palette? I think I have an idea..."



So, to the one (maybe two, three or.. idk) reading this, i really need your comment to decide how will this story go. Okay, please? So, i have two ideas, each will make the story go a bit different way. Okay, here we go;

A: Dream's idea will be leving little gifts each day for Goth, waiting for him to realize he has ignored Palette too much

B: Dream's idea will be Palette talking to him more often, asking him daily if he has some free time to spend with him

C: Dream's idea will be calling Geno and Reaper for a old-friends visit, making Goth go with them, making Goth and Palette talk and be with the other one again

D: Palette doesn't want to hear Dream's idea, just because he want to try to win him alone

Yea... my idea's are trash... BUT WHAT-EV! BAI~~!

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