Part 1

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As I left work, I noticed that I don't think I had ever been this happy to be leaving work on a Friday. I smiled thinking that you had no idea what I had in store for you. I had already told you to get into your little space before I came home because I had something in store for you. I had secretly bought you presents online and wrapped them at work...I told anyone who asked that it was my niece's birthday. As I pulled into our neighborhood, I already started getting hard just thinking about what was about to come.

I pulled into the driveway and got out. I walked around the front of my truck to open the passenger side door and grab the tall stack of gifts that I had for you. I walked down the small path that lead from the driveway to the front door. I balanced the presents with one arm and turned the knob and pushed. As I stepped inside, I could see you, you had your back to me. The front door entryway opened immediately into a straight hallway and at the end of it was our living room. In our living room, we had created your little's corner. It was easy enough to remove when company came over, but we liked it out in the openness of the middle of our house. There were all your stuffies of course, then your Disney pillows, and of course the Princess canopy over your pallet of blankets and pillows on the floor. I began to walk towards you down the hallway.

You were kneeling on the ground, sitting on your feet. You were wearing your favorite pink fuzzy footie pajamas and gently placing figures into your dollhouse that I built for you last year. When I entered the room, you heard my footsteps and turned. A big grin immediately swept across your face.

"DADDY!!", you yelled. Your eyes fell onto the presents in my arms and suddenly they widened. "What'd you bring me?!"

You jumped to your feet and ran at me, at the last minute falling to the ground and wrapping your arms and legs around my left leg. "I missed you Daddy!", you said as you closed your eyes and gently rubbed your cheek on my thigh.

"Hey, Babygirl. I missed you too.", I said. "Do you mind if I set these down first?"

"Ok Daddy. Can I open them now?!" you squealed as you let go of my leg and hopped up.

"Not yet baby. These are special presents. It's not like with your birthday or Christmas where you just automatically get presents. No, these you will have to earn."

I set the presents down on the kitchen table.

"How do I earn them?", you asked in a sweet lilting yet somewhat disappointed voice.

"The same way you earn any of your other privileges, by being a good girl and doing exactly what your Daddy tells you to do.", I answered.

Your face lit up with a big grin...."I'm really good at that aren't I Daddy?"

"Yes are", I smiled back at you. "But.....this first one is free."

As soon as I handed you the box, you snatched it from my hand, dropped to the ground, and began to tear into the wrapping paper as if it was suffocating your favorite stuffy. Once through, you lifted the top of the rectangular box. Inside you discovered a dress, a pink and white set of panties that say "Yes Daddy" on the ass, and rainbow-colored white thigh high stockings.

"Oh Daddy! They're beautiful. How did you know I wanted this outfit?", you said as you looked up at me with your sweet, big round eyes.

"A good Daddy pays attention to what his Babygirl wants."

"I LOVE them!", you said.

"Good. You're first assignment is to change out of your onesie and into this outfit."

You quickly snatched all of the items out of the box and hugged them to our chest with both arms like you were carrying precious cargo that shouldn't dare be dropped. You turned on your heels and began to run across the room towards your bedroom.

Weekend with Daddy [DD/lg]Where stories live. Discover now