Part 11

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About an hour later, I saw Michaels headlights flash through the front windows as he pulled into our driveway. I had finished doing your hair in loose high pigtails with some of the rest of your hair pinned up in those pretty pink metal clips. Your pink bowtied button down shirt, pink and black plaid "schoolgirl" skirt, and frilly sock/black shoe combo made you look like you were either headed off to your first day of school or to Easter service with your grandma. But, tying off your shirt to expose your full midriff and the fact that your skirt only hung about 4 inches below you holiest of holy's stated this was NOT going to be your Grandma's Easter!

"He's here," I called to you back in the bedroom. We decided that "the men" were going to talk a little first before the complete distraction that is you would come skipping along.


My heart actually sped up at the sound. With my drink in hand, I opened the door. There he stood. That adorable looking English teacher. He reminded me of if Patrick Dempsey played an English professor at some liberal arts college in a movie from the late 90's/early 2000's. He had that same shaggy/curly brown hair and beard stubble as Patrick and that same boyish charm thing while still being kind of ruggedly manly. He was also in better shape than I had given him credit for earlier now that I was this close to him.

"Michael, hi." I smiled, "Won't you please come in?" I stuck out my hand, he took it and shook while smiling a little awkwardly.

He stepped inside and I shut the door.

"Can I offer you a drink?" I asked holding up my own glass.

"Uhh, what are you having?" he asked.

"Scotch and soda." I said.

"Sounds perfect." he replied.

"Come in, come in," I said making my way to the bar. "Make yourself comfortable. Really, I mean it. Our house is your house."

"Thanks." He sat down on the sofa in the living room across from the bar. I finished making his drink, brought it to him, then sat in the recliner near the sofa. After he had taken a couple sips of his drink and settled back a bit, I said....

"Look, let's just call out the elephant in the room. This is kind of weird and awkward." A smile cracked across Michael's face and I saw his shoulders unclench just a little bit.

"Yeah," he said "feels a little....i don't know."

"Yeah, I know. But it doesn't have to be, you know? We are just so thrilled we met you today and....."

"We?" he cut me off.

"I'm sorry?" I said.

"You said 'we met you' today. I thought you and I just met." he said curiously.

"Aw yeah, well, you see, here's the thing. My wife and I are.....well, let's just say we have a very active and imaginative sex life. It includes everything from role playing and dressing up, like from the picture that you commented on, to even playing games in public, sometimes with unsuspecting strangers. Which leads us to you today. I sent my wife over to flirt with you today while I watched from across the restaurant." His eyes were large now, not in shock, but mostly just intrigue. "Not only did I send her over to you to flirt, I also sent her over to you with a remote-controlled vibrator in her pussy and attached to her clit." His jaw fell slightly open at the mention of this. "I controlled when and how intense a pulse she would receive from an app on my phone."

"Hooooly shiiiit!" he said as he drew it out.

"I really hope you're not upset with us for the deceit."

Weekend with Daddy [DD/lg]Where stories live. Discover now