Part 15

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We both stood in the entryway when I opened the door. The first to arrive were Dave and Jen. Jen was a little petite blonde. She couldn't have weighed more than 115 lbs soaking wet (no pun intended). She was about 5'3 with long straight golden blonde hair that stopped a couple inches above her nipples, but today she had it all pulled back into a single tight French braided ponytail in the back. She had perky B cups that still defied gravity as much as yours, the benefits of not having kids I guess, and her ass was so cute and tiny I could palm the whole thing like a basketball with room to spare. Her outfit fit her personality and style perfectly.

I had spoken to everyone earlier in the week and we had all decided that whatever the outfits were for the day, the common theme was that everyone was going to wear a onesie as part of it. The 2-snap button in the crotch kind. That way, all the littles had something to get comfortable in if they felt like losing some of the more "restrictive" articles of clothing later but didn't have to be self-conscious about it. Jen's onesie was a solid pink with white trim around the arms and going up the middle to kind of resemble a zipper, even though there wasn't one. On the back hung a pink hood and small pink ears atop it. She had on a pair of very soft looking soffe shorts, which stopped barely below her crotch with slits on both sides. It was all very sporty and athletic looking, just like Jen. She packed a lot into one small package.

Dave, on the other hand, was a goddamn barrel chested, 9-inch-long beard toting lumberjack! He had to be 6'4" with tats up and down each arm, leg, and torso. Dave was the gentlest giant you're ever going to meet. He reminded me of Opie from the Sons of Anarchy, maybe without as much brooding. Where Jen is the spitfire, a ball full of white-hot energy that goes for days, Dave is the quiet, reserved, calm counterbalance to her frantic energy. I have never seen him rattled or upset about anything.

Jen stood a few feet in front of Dave, always looking like she was about to break out into a sprint at any moment. She was small in stature, but her confidence was 10 feet high. She was never one to hang on Dave or hide behind his legs. She was the type where you couldn't catch her long enough to snuggle, I guess, and Dave seemed to enjoy just watching her go. Despite his size, Jen could definitely seem to be the bratty boss with Dave wrapped around her little finger, but I've witnessed a couple of instances when Dave put his foot down about something....both times it was for Jen's own benefit. When Dave spoke up though, it was clear who carried the real power....walk softly and carry a big stick, as they say.

"EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!!!" both you girls screamed simultaneously. I winced a bit at the shriek but of course Dave just stood there, didn't flinch, just smiled.

"Oh My God!!" Jen said throwing both hands straight up in the air, one hand holding the arm of what I assumed was her favorite stuffie that she was asked to bring. It was a cartoonish looking "ragdoll" monkey I would later find out was named, Marcel. Jen rushed through the door and threw her arms around your neck and the two of you began hopping and turning in a circle while making all kinds of giggle squeals. Finally, you both released your embrace and looked each other in the eyes.

You: I'm so glad you came!

Jen: Are you kidding me?! You couldn't have stopped me! It was SOOOOOO hard not telling you this week. But my Daddy said, (now in a deep voice mocking Dave) 'Poo Bear, if you're the one to spoil her surprise then you can't go and I'll make you watch fishing shows with me all day!'

Both girls giggled.

You: C'mon, let me show you what Daddy made for us!

You grabbed her hand and tugged and off you two went toward the living room.

I stuck my hand out to Dave, who was still standing outside the door, and I smiled. "Oh hey!", I said kind of chuckling. He grinned and took my hand. "Sorry, I know my little one can be a handful....strike that, a full on category 5 hurricane.", he said.

Weekend with Daddy [DD/lg]Where stories live. Discover now