Part 4

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Taking one more second to savor the incredible orgasm that had just been delivered to me I sat there. With one big inhale I stood, naked and with cum still barely leaking and glistening at the tip of my dick, I strode towards the edge of the kitchen where the small sack was sitting. I grabbed the new black pacifier, then I headed down the hallway. I also stopped quickly to grab a pair of shorts, because I knew the bathroom floor would be cold to sit on naked, and I shoved the paci in my pocket. When I got to the bathroom you were squatted down to the floor, going through the cabinets below the sink for some of your bath supplies. I turned on the water and kept feeling it with my hand until it reached the temperature that I knew you liked. I reached into the sack I had dropped.

"Pink or purple?" I said, holding up your two new bath bombs.

You turned towards me and smiled when you saw them. I could see that my streaks and clumps of dried cum still adorned your face. You hadn't rubbed it off yet, like a badge of honor you were proud of.

"Purple!" I set the purple sphere beside the tub and I reached into the cupboard above the toilet to get you Bubble Bath soap. You loved this one the most because it smelled like cotton candy. You walked over to the tub with both arms full of bath toys hugged to your chest. Once you reached the edge of the tub you opened your arms and dropped them all in. The tub was just over half full.

"C'mere little girl." I said as I held my arms straight out. I reached underneath your arms and just as I started to lift, you gave a little jump. I picked you up into the air and I began to move towards swinging you over the edge of the tub when suddenly your legs swung out and wrapped around my hips again and your arms squeezed tight around my neck. You let out a girlish giggle. I knew this game. We've played before. I bent at the waist as if I was trying to put you in the tub and you squealed. I stood up and tried again. You clung on like a cat trying to avoid its bath. I tried a third time but when I stood back up this time you moved your face in front of mine and gave me an unexpectedly soft, tender, open mouthed kiss. I love it when you surprise me like that like. Slipping in and out of silly playful little girl to my sensuous loving partner. It's both of those sides that make you up and make you the most amazing lover I have ever had.

When you finished kissing me you pulled back, made eye contact with me and said, "Aren't you gonna put me in, Daddy?" I smiled and lowered you down gently into the tub. I grabbed your purple bath bomb and dropped it in. I squirted a generous amount of Bubble Bath soap in time for the faucet to get it nice and lathered. I pulled up the little stool I keep beside the tub to sit on during bath time. I sit and just watch you play for a bit. I turn off the faucet. The air smelled sweet between the fragrance of the dissolving bath bomb, which turned the water a purplish hue as well, and the soap that smelled like cotton candy. You were splashing around a bit with your toys and humming/singing under your breath some Disney song I couldn't quite make out. Then you were playing with the soap bubbles that rose out of the water and above your chest. You began sweeping your arms and pulling the bubbles towards your chest like you were gathering them. You started to massage the soap around the top of your breasts. You weren't doing this in a seductive way. It was like watching you get lost in the moment. It was both beautiful and adorable.

"Alright, Princess," I said as I picked up the big plastic pitcher and dunked it into the tub, "let's get your face and hair. Go ahead, close your eyes and plug your nose." You reached up and pinched your nose shut and squeezed your eyes closed really hard. I poured the pitcher of soapy warm water all over your face and hair while I used my other hand to rub the last remnants from you face and cheeks. When the pitcher was empty, I dunked it again. "One more time, big breath." You breathed in an exaggerated breath and pinched your nose again. I made sure to get your hair soaked. I grabbed the shampoo, squirted a glob into my hand, rubbed my hands together, and began to massage your scalp.

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