Part 2

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Your face lit up at the question. "What are we going to do??" you asked excitedly.

"Well first, what do we always have to make sure we do before any play time can be had?"

I could see your face falling a little bit before I even finished asking the question. You looked at the floor, grabbing your right wrist with your left hand in front of your body, and sort of moved your right leg like you were squashing a bug under the ball of your foot. You mumbled something under your breath.

"Hmm? What was that" I queried.

"Our Chores!" you said much louder.

"That's correct. Have you finished all of your chores today?" I asked.

Again, you mumbled. "Hmm?" I said.

"No, Daddy. Not all of them, just some." You said in such a sweet tone that I just wanted to grab you and squeeze and protect you from ever having to do a single thing you didn't want to do for the rest of your life. But I knew, even Princesses needed to be reminded of the value of earning what you receive.

"Did you make your bed?" You nodded enthusiastically. "Did you pick up all of the clothes on the floor in your room?"

"Mm-hmm!" you almost squeaked with satisfaction.

"Did you pick up all your toys?" I saw you hesitate at first but then you said "Except those two", you pointed to two stuffies on the floor in your play area on the other side of the room.

"Well, that's ok." I said. "I think you'll want your two friends when we watch the movie out here."

Now you really did let out a high-pitched squeal. Watching Disney movies together was one of our things. And you had been waiting for this one for a while. I handed you my second box. Again, you snatched it from my hands, dropped to the floor sitting cross legged, while flinging ripped shards of wrapping paper in every direction. I swear your tongue was stuck out a little as you gently bit it like you were concentrating extremely hard. You did this sometimes when you were coloring, and you were trying really hard to stay in the lines. You flipped off the top of the box and you laid your eyes on the contents. In it was the DVD Bluray copy of Frozen 2 and about 5 bags and boxes of your favorite candies to be enjoyed at your movie watching pleasure.

"Oh, Daddy!! We are going to have so much fun! I love it!" you said.

"Wait," I cautioned, "I think you missed something."

At the top right corner of the box, under some tissue paper that had folded over it, was the new pacifier I got you. This time I went black. I added some silver decorative small stud looking things to give it a little pop, but not much. I knew how much you liked to decorate and make your paci's your own.

This time there was no thank you. There wasn't a word spoken in fact. You sprang to your feet and moved quickly towards me.

"I thought....." I started to say but was cut off. As soon as you were close enough you grabbed both sides of my face in your hands, pulled me towards you, and began to kiss me passionately....and I kissed you back matching your intensity. Your tongue forced its way into my mouth at first, but you began to swirl it and tantalize me with it. Each time you pulled your tongue back out, just before you planted your next kiss on me, you would flick it against my lip as if to tell me "Don't move. I'm coming right back." You kissed me like we were 8th graders at a drive who had just discovered making out and craved every second of it as if it were oxygen.

Finally, you pulled back and stared me in the eyes very seriously for a second. I knew it was one of your ways of telling me how much you loved me without really saying it. I got the message. All of a sudden, your face changed and went back to smiling. There's my Babygirl again.

Weekend with Daddy [DD/lg]Where stories live. Discover now