Part 10

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The whole way home we plotted and strategized how we were going to reel in this big fish. Not only did we need zoo dad Michael to agree to our threesome, and we needed him to agree to tonight, but we also needed him to be prepared for, and be into, my "little girl". Tricky indeed. You were talking a mile a minute. I love seeing you this excited.

Of course, we have talked about MMF threesomes in the past. I had always been a little more into the idea than you, but you were understandably hesitant because of how vulnerable you felt as a little. We have shared with other couples before and had a couple MFF threesomes with a couple of your friends, but never when you were in your little space. But for some reason, I can't quite put my finger on it, tonight felt like it was the right time with the right one.....that is, if we could convince him of that.

We settled on the idea of texting Michael first. He seemed like a sweet, sensitive guy, so we wanted to ease him into it a bit....but he was also a man so, also.....why fuck around?

You: Hey! Remember me from the zoo earlier? I'm soooo sorry I had to bail on you like that! I REALLY enjoyed talking to you!

Him: Yeah. If I was any more insecure I might've have gotten my feelings hurt.....

You: OHHH NOOOO poor baby! You know it had to be a good reason to leave someone as handsome as you just sitting there!

Him: Good reason or not....I was still lonely. You were a conversation tease😉

"Send him the pic of your soapy tits in the shower." I suggested. You looked back and grinned at me as confirmation of a good idea.

You: You're right. I was a bit of a tease, wasn't I? How about I start to make it up to you right now?"

I watched you tap your phone as you pulled up your "soapy tits" pic, pressed a couple of buttons, then I heard the WHOOSH sound.

Him: Sure. But I don't......

Him: Wow! Well......I just........well that's a good start lol. You look amazing!

You: Hehehe. Thank you.

Him: What's a guy got to do to get more of these pics?

You: Well, for now, all he's got to do is ask nicely....but I don't want to distract you away from your time with your kids.

Him: Oh no, I dropped them off at their mother's half an hour ago. I only had them half the weekend because my ex's parents are coming in from out of state today and they wanted to see the kids.

You: You're kidding! Does that mean you have your evening free?

Him: What did you have in mind? And by the way, I am officially asking nicely. May I see more of your gorgeous body, please?

"What should I send him next, Daddy?" you asked.

I thought for a moment. We are eventually going to walk him into little space but there is no way of knowing how turned on or freaked out by it he'll be. Best to wet the appetite, work him up into a frenzy, then he might not care too much about what you wear or say. But, we do need to let him know up front that he will not be going it alone with you.

"Tell him, 'How about a video instead?', then send him the one from the other night of me fucking you from behind on the bed." I instructed. We were starting to get close to home.

You: Since you asked me sooooo nicely, how about a video instead?

Him: 😍

After you sent the video....

Weekend with Daddy [DD/lg]Where stories live. Discover now