The Red Room* // Elijah x Reader 18+

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Warnings: NSFW!! Drinking, bad words, Daddy Kink, bondage. Probably other stuff so read with caution. 18+

A/N: Hi, guys! I know I've been MIA for like, ever. Things got busy and some people were unkind, and I needed to step away for awhile. But now I had some extra time and you've all been really sweet with your messages and comments, so I wanted to post something new.

Also, this one-shot is unbelievably filthy. I make no apologies though, because this is what you heathens have been asking me for.

Thanks again for your kind words of encouragement even while I was gone... I really appreciate you.

***The air is chilly as I step out of the bathroom wrapped in just a towel

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The air is chilly as I step out of the bathroom wrapped in just a towel. Steam billows out behind me, the humidity warring with the breeze from the window that I definitely remember locking before my shower.

Squeezing the moisture from my hair into a smaller towel, I roll my eyes.

"Okay. Which Mikaelson is hiding in my bedroom this time? If it's Kol, drop my panties immediately." My voice is laced with annoyance I don't really feel. The truth is, I don't care which brother is watching me from the shadows--I love them all. "And come on out with your icy cold hands up."

"I am sorry to disturb you, lovely Y/N." Elijah steps forward from the cover of darkness. "But I must warn you that you are no longer safe here."

"Perfect. What did Nik do now, and how much work am I going to miss?" Retreiving a pair of jeans and a sweater from my dresser, I scowl in his direction. When Elijah turns to give me privacy, I drop my towel and shimmy into a pair of black panties before pulling on a matching bra.

"While your lack of faith in Niklaus is not unwarranted, it was actually Kol this time. He's angered the witches and they're coming for those we love and care for... again." I can hear the boredom in his tone and wonder how he's put up with his brothers' shit for over a thousand years. "We feel it's best if you come stay with us for the foreseeable future."

I pull the sweater over my head and finish buttoning my jeans without responding. This is the third time since Christmas that I've been warned by the Mikaelsons that I'm not safe in my own home.

This friendship is becoming a bit tedious, if you ask me.

"Fine. But I'm going to find that bottle of 70 year old scotch I heard you and Nik talking about. It'll be my Welcome Back to the Compound Possibly Forever present. "

"Deal." Elijah's soft chuckle is the last thing I hear before everything blurs and he whisks me away at vamp speed.


"Ew, what the hell did I just drink?" The unpleasant flavor clings to my tongue long after I finish swallowing. "If that's what you two call the good stuff, I'll stick with my vodka and cranberry juice."

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