Netflix and Spill

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"Elijah! This movie is a pile of hot garbage," you cried, throwing a handful of popcorn at your best friend's face.

"What? How can you say that? It's one of the greatest films of all time!" He flicked a kernel of popcorn back at you, hitting you square in the nose.

Your head was resting on the arm of the sofa, arms behind your head, your legs draped across Elijah's lap.

He looked so handsome in profile as he sat engrossed in the movie, rubbing small circles on your calf absentmindedly. His cold fingers on your hot skin, coupled with the scent of his spicy aftershave, made you shiver.

He always had this affect on you, turning you on and making you ache for him, while he remained completely oblivious.

You were desperately in love with him, but he clearly only wanted your friendship, so you suffered in silence. You would rather be friends than be nothing at all.

"I don't get it. Was Brad Pitt ever there, or was the whole thing just his imagination?"

Your pretty face was scrunched up adorably, Elijah momentarily distracted from your question as his eyes lingered on your pouty lips.

"Uhm. I'm sorry, what did you ask?"

"She asked when you're going to grow a pair and ask her out, brother."

You were both startled by Klaus's presence, instinctively moving your legs off his lap, while Elijah scooted over at vamp speed.

"Niklaus. What a pleasant surprise," Elijah said dryly, rolling his eyes. "Did you need something?"

Klaus' lips curled into a smirk as he grabbed a handful of popcorn from the ceramic bowl on the coffee table.

"Just checking on my big brother and his dear friend, to see what they are up to on this lovely September evening." He popped a few kernels into his mouth and chewed, keeping his eyes on Elijah's.

"We just finished Fight Club and I was wondering how that could possibly have been one of Elijah's favorite movies of all time." You stood from the couch, smoothing the wrinkles from your gray shorts.

You didn't notice the way Elijah's eyes drifted over the exposed skin of your bare legs.

But Klaus did.

"Y/N, sweetheart. It's Friday night. Where is your boyfriend? The hairy werewolfy one.. Deke, was it?"

"Derek. And I broke things off a few weeks ago. He was.. complicated."

"Complicated? Whatever do you mean?" Klaus asked, making you wonder why he was suddenly so interested in your love life. Of all the siblings, you were the least close to him.

"He had some jealousy issues." You dropped your eyes, hoping Klaus didn't ask anymore questions.

"Ah, he was jealous, you say? Of whom?" His face remained expressionless, but there was an impish twinkle in his eyes.

You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. Your eyes narrowed, frustration with Klaus written all over your face.

But he just smiled widely.

"He was jealous of Elijah," you muttered, barely audibly, as you nervously anticipated your best friend's reaction.

Elijah felt his heart skip, his brown eyes wide as they met yours.

"Me? You never told me this. Why would Derek be jealous of me?"

When a shrugged shoulder was the only response from you, he moved closer, placing a finger under your chin. He tipped your face up to meet his scrutinizing gaze.

The Secret Life of Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now