Frisk Me, Officer - Soulmate AU

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"Mr. Mikaelson? Miss Y/L/N is ready for you now."

Elijah stood up from the tiny plastic chair and adjusted his tie, offering the receptionist his most charming smile.

The petite older woman with a severe blue-gray bun just rolled her eyes, leading him back to the Principal's office without another word. She radiated displeasure, her frigid demeanor taking the entire building down several degrees.

She knocked on the door before retreating down the hall with one last disapproving glare.

He could only imagine what sort of trouble he was going to be answering for inside.

"Come in," a feminine voice called from within, and he turned the knob with apprehensive hands.

With the trepidation suddenly flowing through his veins, he felt like he was back in school, a child awaiting his punishment from the stern principal.

But when he laid eyes on the Vice Principal of Mystic Falls Elementary, he was reminded that he was now very much a man.

She was absolutely breathtaking. Her Y/H/C hair was tied on top of her head, and her Y/E/C eyes shone behind black rimmed glasses as they met his. The formfitting black dress she was wearing was not revealing, but it accentuated her Y/B/T figure, which happened to be his favorite.

A quick scan of her hands showed no wedding or engagement ring, which pleased him very much.

"Mr. Mikaelson? Thank you for coming in today," she said, gesturing to the chair in front of her. "Have a seat."

"Please, call me Elijah," he insisted, holding out his hand for her to shake. She simply ignored it, her eyes fixed firmly on the papers in front of her.

As he cleared his throat and sat down, she opened a Manila folder that had been resting on her desk.

"I wanted to speak to you about your daughter, Hope."

"She's actually my niece. Her mother passed away last fall, and her father, my brother Niklaus, is out of town on business. He asked me to attend this meeting in his place."

"I see," she said, nodding as she nibbled her bottom lip in concentration.

"Well, it is commendable that you are taking an active role in your niece's life. Hope is a very bright young girl, but we have noticed she has been a bit bored in most of her classes. It has caused her to act out, and exhibit certain behaviors that we would like to improve."

A small, knowing smile broke out on Elijah's face.

"Yes, behavioral issues certainly run in her family."

Her face remained stoic, so he bit his lip and motioned for her to continue, silently admiring her beauty while she spoke.

"I wanted to speak with you about possibly putting her into more advanced classes, where the work would be more challenging for her, and where we feel she would thrive."

"That sounds like a wonderful solution. I will have to discuss that with her father, though, before we move forward," he explained, ready to volunteer to meet with her again about anything.

Anything at all.

She still did not smile, instead straightening the papers in front of her as she spoke.

"Certainly. If you have no further concerns about your niece's progress at our school, then that will be all for today, Mr. Mikaelson."

He did not try to shake her hand again, even though he was overwhelmingly attracted to the standoffish woman.

The Secret Life of Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now