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[Request on tumblr for pregnancy making reader super horny.]

Warnings: language, baby talk, pregnant sex, pregnant reader, lots of smut.


"Elijah," you whispered into your husband's ear. "Is there any way you can get us out of here?"

Elijah bit back a grin as he casually surveyed the room. It was filled with stuffy business professionals, their significant others looking bored by their side, while making obligatory small talk with those around them.

His eyes swung over to you, his beautiful wife, dressed in a shocking pink dress that ensured you stood out in the sea of navy and black. You were nothing like the other wives at the conference, which was just another reason why he loved you so much.

"And where do you propose we go, my love?" He took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to the back, while devilish thoughts raced through his mind.

"Hmm. This time, I'm thinking the stairwell. Then, when all the pompous, pretentious windbags hear our moans of ecstasy, they'll finally realize they're boring in bed and that's why their wives are so uptight," you snickered.

"Well, you're not wrong," he smirked, shaking his head good-naturedly. "But how about somewhere a little less conspicuous?" You gave him a coy smile of agreement.

He pulled you by the hand over to his boss, wrapping an arm around your waist in a protective gesture. You despised Mayor Lockwood, and dreamt of the day Elijah could tell him to shove it, but you put on a sickeningly sweet smile anyway.

"Mayor, I'm afraid my wife here isn't feeling well. We will be heading out now if that's alright with you," Elijah said, his fist clenching at your waist when he saw the Mayor's eyes on your cleavage.

"What's that, Mikaelson? Oh. Yes, that's fine. Y/N, you are looking particularly enchanting this evening," he remarked. "I do hope you're feeling better soon."

He smiled at you in a way that would have repulsed you if you'd been paying any attention, but all of your focus was on getting your gorgeous husband out of his suit and inside of you as soon as possible.

"Oh, thank you, sir. Goodnight," you whispered, trying your best to look nauseated instead of horny, before dragging Elijah towards the exit.

As soon as you were out of earshot, your lips were at Elijah's ear. "I'm not going to be able to wait until we get home, handsome."

A trail of goosebumps broke out on his neck from your suggestion, and you smiled in satisfaction. Tugging on his arm, you made your way to the car as quickly as possible in your sky high, Barbie pink shoes.

When you nearly tripped over a grate in the parking lot, Elijah picked you up and threw you over his shoulder to ensure he got you there safely. As you reached the car, he placed you down gently and opened the door.

The Secret Life of Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now