Can You Hear Me Now? Good.

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Rapping on the door impatiently, you let out an annoyed growl.

"Come on out, Elijah! I know you're home!"

The door swung open, and there stood Hayley Marshall, your arch nemesis.

"Oh, great," you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Is there something you need, Snips?" Of course she would use the embarrassing nickname bestowed upon you by Klaus in a moment of anger, after you had beaten him at pool for the third time that evening.

So what if your tank top had slipped down while you made your shot, and revealed a teeny bit of nipple? Did that really mean you had to pay for it for the rest of your life with such a horrible nickname?

"Don't you dare call me that, Fang," you smirked, using the moniker you knew she despised. "Where's Elijah? I know he's here."

"Why do you care?" Hayley stood regally by the door of the Mikaelson Mansion as if she owned the place, even though she was engaged to Jackson Kenner now.

"Look, you may have had a baby with Klaus, but you don't own this house. I demand to speak with my best friend." Rolling up your sleeves as intimidatingly as possible, you let her know you meant business.

She rolled her eyes and stepped back with an obnoxious bow, as you angrily stomped past her.

"Stupid wolfy cunt," you muttered, hoping she could hear you, as you stomped up the stairs to Elijah's room.

You knew something was up with him when he didn't show up to drive you to work this morning, as he had promised, without so much as a text. When you tried calling he declined the call every time, likely wallowing in self-pity over some incident with Hayley, his bitchy ex.

You didn't bother knocking, knowing he would have heard you coming up the stairs with his enhanced Original Hearing, just turning the antique brass knob and pushing inside.

As you had expected, Elijah was sitting on his bed, scribbling furiously in his journal.

"Dear Diary. Today was so bad," you mocked as he rolled his eyes, loathing the way you teased him about it.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" His eyes barely flicked over to you, which made you realize that he was more than just sad - he was furious.

"What did that WereBitch do now? Do you need me to fight her? I'll do it, just say the word," you offered, putting your fists up and punching the air.

The sight of you ready to fight for him caused Elijah to give you a teeny tiny glimmer of a smile.

"What's wrong buddy? You know you can tell me anything," you said, smushing yourself into the bed beside him.

"She came here last night and tried to kiss me. She already picked Jackson over me - her wedding is on Saturday. But she thought she could just come over here and convince me to be her gentleman on the side."

"You're kidding! Jackson's not my favorite, but he doesn't deserve that. And you definitely deserve better than to be someone's side piece. What did you say?" You unconsciously dropped your hand onto his thigh, squeezing it in your anger.

"I told her there was someone else. It was the first thing that popped into my head," he said, eyes skipping away from yours guiltily.

"Good for you! Wait. Who did you tell her it was?" You were putting two and two together in your head and he winced, bracing for the blowback.

"Me?!" Your voice was a whispered screech, just in case she was still in the house somewhere.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. She always suspected we were sneaking around behind her back together, so I knew it would make her extra mad if I said it was you."

The Secret Life of Elijah Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now