Chapter 18

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Crack baby chapter honestly :P

"C'mon Kai. Wake the fuck up," Alvaro sighs as the wasian boys doesn't budge. He's sleeping on the floor of Aloes bedroom, tired from their bubbly bottom sleepover.

"You're the one who wanted me to wake you up at 10, idiot," Kairi stirs and let's a 'Shhh' sound to quiet the Peruvian.

"Mattias on his way." At that Kairi whines. His Matti is coming. He's gonna have to see his boyfriends pretty honey skin and loving smile. Those things always make Kairi crazy.

"Oh I'm not getting up but I'll wake my fucking eeyes up!"


"Poopsies," Kairi mumbles with a pout. Mattia smiles down at the boy in his lap.

"It's not that bad bubs"

"Yuh huh. Sundays are the worse, Matti! I have soooooo much shit to do when I get home" Kairi whines, confiding in his boyfriend. The Italian had come to Alvaros to hang out with the two twinks but once Ale came they kicked the other couple out. Well... the other couple got tired of seeing The Peruvian and Costa Rican make out and their complaints ended up getting them gone. Now, they're in Mattias room in front of Mattias screen where he is playing a game of fifa with Kairi in his arms.

"Fuck!" Mattia exclaims, throwing a fit and pointing at the screen. Kairi burst into giggles, making Mattia further grumble about his loss.

Mattia plays another round of FIFA. Of course, he's distracted by the pretty little boy on his lap and how the boy's lips are moving as he tells Matti how Emily and Cynthia got caught making out in the girls' locker room. Mattia loses again, again throwing a fit and shouting cuss words. Kairi just laughs at the younger, mumbling how Mattia is such an extra ass and loses all the time because he sucks.

"The only thing I suck at is your dick, KaiKai,"

Kairi snickers at that, hitting Mattias shoulder lightly as heat rises to his cheeks and a blush blooms. Mattias heart swells at the sight. How can his boyfriend be so fucking cute?!? He wraps his arms around the small boy and brings him closer, engulfing the wasian in a hug. Kairi lets out a small squeal at the unexpected show of affection. He relaxes in his boy's arms, cuddling into Mattia. Kairis flush cheek rests on Mattias chest and he can't help but smile at the sound of his boyfriends heartbeat. A small smile spreads on their faces as they hold each other.


"No, Kai," Mattia says, shaking his head disapprovingly at Kairis stiff hips. "Like this bebé," Mattia rolls his hips side to side, legs slightly bent, arms in the air. Kairi furrows his eyebrows and tries again but dayum the boy ain't got no rhythm. He stiff asf.

"I can't dooo it, Mattiaaa," Kairi whines making the Italian smirk. He ever so smoothly slides behind Kairi and holds onto the elders waist, bringing them in front of the body mirror before guiding Kairis hips. Moving his hips as well, he moves in sync with Kairis not so smooth hips. Their closeness has Kairi flustered and he can't help but blush. The heat and sexual tension rises amongst the two as Mattia teaches Kairi. Now ain't that a fantasy... teach me, Kairi thinks. Maybe he would've been into that sort of things if all his teachers weren't rat fucks. The thought escapes when Mattia squeezes Kairis sides, distracting the small boy. He looks up at the mirror to see the couple. And damn, they looked fine together. Mattia would agree. When Kai sees his boyfriend bite down on his lip he can't handle it anymore. He has to go home or he'll be there the rest of the night, if yk what that means, and he doesn't wanna get yelled at.

"It won't work, Matti," Kai grumbles as he pulls himself from Mattias grip. "My hips stay stiff. I look worse than Ale," he tries releasing the sexual tension a little.

"This is why I top, you don't have no stroke game," Kairi glares out the other.\

"Aight, Imma head out,"...


"Hey, ma! How was your day?" Kairi asked cheery, happy with the day. The sleepover with Alvaro, Alejandro's bitchass smile, Mattia. Mattia. Mattia. Gon suck his dick at school tomorrow, Kairi decided.

"Great, Kairi. How was yours? What did you do?" Mrs. Cosentino said with her sweet voice. And so Kairi sat on his kitchen counter and told his mom about his day, skipping the cute and intimate parts that he adored so much with Mattia, as she washed some dishes from the night before. Kairis mom listened carefully with a smile and reacted with fondness to Kais stories. But as Kairi went on with skipping past Mattia a certain sadness rose in him. He used to tell his mom everything. Every little thing. When he had a girlfriend his mom was always there to hear him gush in soft boy. Yet, Mattia makes him feel so many things and he can't express them to his momma. But then Kairi thinks 'Why can't I?'. That's when he decides to come out. 

right now..?

Cliff hanger ;)
short update :( Sorryyyyyyyy bubs. I'll update soon

Stream On and Black Swan tyvm.

I love yous sm 🥺 kithes.

Coco, K

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