Chapter 14

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ImMa SlAp tHIs kiD

Kairi get up at 5:30 on Monday, much earlier then he usually does. Being the crybaby that he is he lets out a small whine as soon as he sees the time shining on his phone. First, he's just mad he woke up so early but then he's reminded of school and his mood turns about 10 times worse. He turns to the boy laying next to him, whose arm was also swung around his waist and shake him up. The Italian groans, definitely not wanting to wake up earlier then needed since he was up late last night looking at reactions to Kairi outing himself and favoriting the positive ones for the wasian boy while the wasian boy was sleeping. He pushes the smaller boy away only for the small boy to pry back.

"Mattia, wake up," Said boy was about to turn away when he heard Kairis soft "please..?" to which the Italian couldn't say no to. He opens his eyes glaring at the outline of his boyfriends face.

"What's wrong?" Mattia asks, his voice deep and husky from just being woken up, a slight tone present as well. Kairi scoots closer to the Italian, picking at the others' shirt.

"I don't want to go to school..."You'd think Kais voice would be slightly deeper too, but the whiny voice he lets out is quite higher than his regular, more like a 4 year olds. The younger groaned.

"That's why you woke me up?" he asks, annoyance laced in his voice. Kairi grumbles.

"It's not like I just don't want to go because it's boring," he hits Mattias chest lightly, still whiny before continuing, "I'm just not... ready- to see peoples reactions and stuff," the smaller says calmly now. Mattia softens at this, considering Kairis anxiety on the situation before sliding his arm under Kairi and kissing his nose. He reaches over to the night stand and wanks his phone off the charger, Using one hand to open it (his password is gabinetto and all the boys know it) before clicking tiktok and going to his favorites, his other hand playing with Kairis hair. Kairi is confused and a little frustrated. Why is his boyfriend opening the stupid app when he is clearly stressed? But then he notices what Mattias favorites is filled with- videos of Kairi coming out.

"Aww, we love the gays," Matta reads one of the videos captions with a chuckle before scrolling and reading more, "That's so cute,", "Awe, I'm glad he came out,", "fuego, mate,", "I'm so happy for you, bro,", "welcome to the best community ever, luv," , "I'M CRYINH I wish I came out like that djsch,", "Love that for him,", the accepting messages go on and on warming both of their hearts. They watch about all of them, reading the sweet comments as well. "We support you- 5 million heart emojis", tears well up in Kairis eyes at this. His fear shifting away even though he realizes that Mattia is only showing him the nice ones, but fuck, he feels so loved right now. Kairi snuggles into Mattia, burying his head into the Italians chest.

"Thank you," Mattia kissed the top of Kairis head with a quiet "de nada, mi amore,". Mattia know staying up all night only to be woken up extra early by the brat was worth it.

"Anyways, we're going to school, Kairi,"




"Cause you need an education bubba. Plus we'll be here for you," Mattia is referring to the boys which makes Kairi sit up abruptly and grab his phone. It's 6:30 now, but the boys be tryna look extra fresh sometimes so they might be up.

Lollipops 💦💦



Bae wqs hells smojibg ugg

(9:08 pm)


Si wzs nime :L

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