They found us

38 1 0

January 28, 2011

The sound of the twins screaming and laughing echoed throughout the warehouse. They're throwing one of their toys back and forth to each other, almost hitting Eddie's sleeping form a couple of times.

Eddie was resting, her head laying against her backpack. Her body curled up to stay warm even though she had her jacket and one of Arch's jackets, which she may or may not have stolen from his pack, covering her body.

Arch is standing by one of the entrances planning on what their next move should be.

It was already the coldest temperatures it can get in the state. They've snuck into multiple motels and stayed a few nights at a time. But they need to find a more permanent place. One that was more safer than just motel rooms.

They've had another close call getting caught by demons. Arch-eler ended up loosing his phone, his only source of contact with the Winchester's, while he fought off the demons before fleeing.

If he did end up giving in later on and needing their help, he no longer can call them. He's truly on his own.

He could fly back to spots where the Winchester's frequented if he needed to contact them, but that would be very risky, he could end up in a trap if he leaves or the twins would be in danger being alone with barely any protection.

He senses a dark presence near the warehouse. Definitely not an angel. And he has no idea if that's worse or not. He's sensed them for a while now, but he didn't want to worry Eddie about their pursuer. Because if Eddie started getting stressed out then Ro and Ira will start to get stressed and fussy and then he will have to deal with three stressed out kids.

But the presence started coming closer, so now he can no longer avoid the arising problem.

Arch jogs over the Eddie, kicking her lightly in the shin. She flinches and blinks her eyes open.

"We need to move now."

She nods, having learned it's just easier not to question everything. She goes to stand up but she stares straight ahead. "Arch." She points to something behind him.

Arch-eler twists around, blade in his hand. A figure is crouching down next to the twins. With a toy in hand they lead the twins down the walkway between the long abandoned machinery, to the other side of the warehouse.

Arch steps forwards, ready to stop the other demon.

"Take another step, see what happens." A voice says to the right of him.

Arch side eyes the owner of the voice, his eyes now switched to black. There are multiple figures at the entrances.

Eddie stands up slowly, grabbing the back of Arch-eler's arm. The figures start closing in on the pair. Arch stares helplessly as his kids are led farther and farther away.

"Stay away from them." He growls. His hand held up protectively in front of Eddie. They slowly take a few steps back. The demon group is gradually cornering them into a wall. They're clearly outnumbered.

A new wave of fear washes through their bodies once their backs hit the wall.

A rustle is heard above the demon and the human. Eddie tilts her head up at the sound. A demon crouching on a high up window sill grins manically? at her. They jump from their spot, a knife in their hands. Eddie pushes Arch away before narrowly dodging the blade.

They both land with a grunt. Not missing a beat, more demons surround them, pining them to the ground to make sure they have no chance to escape.

The runaway demon gets a sinking feeling of hopelessness in his chest.

Eddie starts screaming, hitting and pushing everything she can reach. But unfortunately the demons have the advantage.

Her breaths were coming out in harsh gasps. Her eyes wide open as they hold her on the ground. Arch can see the panic start setting in when he looks into her eyes.

"Eddie. Eddie! Look at me." He calls out.

She is able to get herself to focus on gazing into the pitch black eyes of her friend. It brings her an unsettling feeling but it also brings her some form of comfort.

"We'll be alright." Arch basically mouths, not able to talk since the demon on top of him has a firm hand squeezing his neck.

The sound of sadistic cackling echoes throughout the building. The figure in a black trench coat steps around one demon holding a knife.

"Hello Arch-a-bee." Foras says with a wicked grin on his face.

Always have to be dramatic. He would roll his eyes at Foras if he wasn't preoccupied at the moment. Arch tries thrashing out of the grip of the two demons holding him but it was no use.

"I thought it would be a lot harder to get the cambions away from you. But all it took was a colorful toy. Honestly, you must be a horrible father if you deprive a child their own play things." He chuckles sarcastically.

Foras ignores the nasty glare Arch is giving him.

"So, here's the deal. We're all gonna take a little trip somewhere secluded. Sound fun?"

Foras signals the group to force up their captives.

"Sir-" The demon holding Eddie pulls her to her feet and grabs a handful of her hair, yanking it back to make her face Foras. "-what are we doing with this one? She's human."

Arch-eler tries to shake off the hands gripping him. "I swear if you hu-"

"Shut him up." Foras says dismissively.

More demons surround Arch-eler. They make he can't escape as one of them hits the back of his head with enough force to make him collapse unconscious.

Foras steps closer to Eddie. He takes a good look at her. The plan racing through his mind as he wonders if they could afford to hold another prisoner where they're going.

"We take her as well."

Eddie stares in fright as the figures around move closer until her vision goes out.

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