The summary

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So back then I had planned how I wanted to finish out this story, but in order for me to do that I would need to actually figure out what to write and write it all down. The idea was there but the motivation and needed brain power in order to accomplish it was not.

So I wrote the basic outline of how I originally planned the rest of this story to go in case anyone read this far and was curious because I didn't want to leave it hanging unfinished like that.

Sorry if it is clunky or messy


Baby wakes up in D y P's place questioning everything, freaking out, not remembering anything

Chapter ends with her bumping into d y p

D y P ask Baby questions anything she can remember, her memories have almost faded completely. She mumbles "My mom is dead." Before she forgets everything.

So what I vaguely planned was that most of the chapters from then on would switch between current timeline and flashbacks to Baby's life since the twins' birth.

In the flashbacks, she would stay with Phil and Daniel, (which I didn't realize until after that it could be Dan and Phil, but I was too lazy to think of the other names for them, so you could imagine them as Dan and Phil if you want.) obviously because she lost all her memories and the duo can't figure out where she came from, so they become roommates basically.

They would try to help her regain her memories back while teaching her about the supernatural stuff because their place as filled with books, research, weapons, the lot among regular apartment decor. They also tried finding out who she was, like looking at missing people reports.

Over time Marianne would remember things like her mom, Amanda, and that Amanda was dead, but she couldn't remember how she died. She would remember smaller things or moments that's happened also. The duo would become concerned when she remembered that she actually did give birth, at first she doesn't remember that it was twins. *initiate surrogate big brothers mode* They became even more concerned when she remembers that the baby's(babies') father was not human.

Marianne would go on simple hunts with them at first. Eventually move to bigger hunts. Get to know other hunters. Become a well known hunter herself. She remembers some people calling her Marianne, she remembers others calling her Baby, that leads to even more mental confusion of course. (as if I haven't already made that white girl suffer enough).

And then a few months before she, Dean, Sam, and Arch-eler reunite, she mostly remembers all of them. There is still some gaps she hasn't recovered yet in the memory department. Baby goes searching for them. Looking for their locations. Somehow, because of main character luck, she finds out a possible house where Arch-eler could be. The one near Peru, Kansas. Maybe she kidnapped a demon, tortured them for information, then exorcised them to find out the location. Then she finds the house right when Sam and Dean arrive.

In the current timeline, the four of them are trying to pinpoint where the twins are. Baby is still in contact with Daniel and Phil. Some moments would involve things that happened in the plot line of the show. Her and Arch would slowly rekindle their friendship. They would fight demons, vamps, other beings, you know, doing the do.

Eventually they pinpoint a location where the twins are being held. There is a lot of demon wardings the deeper they go into the building. So Baby rushes in because she's a qUirKy main character who laughs in the face of danger, idk. She fights Foras who trapped himself in the room with the twins. At some point Foras pins her to the wall with his demon telekinetic powers. But she fights it and slowly walks towards him which catches him off guard. (that's foreshadowing to finding out she's secretly been learning witchcraft and one of the things she's learned was how to counteract demonic powers, because yeah...... and that's why she was able to get the strength against Foras) She majorly wounds him but he somehow escapes.

The twins are sitting in the middle of a devil's trap, the trap is there for Arch if he was the one to come in. Marianne walks right into the Devil's trap, she stares at her children. She feels weird, because she feels protective of them and she knows that they are her kids, so she has a small feeling of motherly love towards them. But at the same time she never got to spend a moment with them since she died. She feels a type of disconnect I guess. They're basically strangers to each other.

Anyways, she picks up the twins and meets up with the others. Arch-eler has a (almost) tearful reunion with the twins. They leave the place.

It gets to the point where Sam loses his soul and him and Marianne have a major falling out. She leaves, Arch and the twins go with her. They live on their own, a few chapters dedicated to that period in their lives. Some bonding moments between the little demonic family.

Then it would introduce the fact that Baby is secretly studying witchcraft, which Arch knows about and doesn't mind, but they are keeping it a secret from everyone, including Daniel and Phil. (I had a little thought of Baby and Rowena unintentionally reuniting in the future, past the plot of the story, and them becoming unlikely friends)

At the very end, when Dean, Sam, and Cas find the Men of Letters bunker and figure there is more than enough room, they contact Arch and Baby. The trio is standing in front of the bunker when the truck that used to belong to John parks next to Baby, the impala.

The twins hop out first, they're like 3-ish years old now, so they can walk and run and stuff. Baby comes out of the passenger seat, she is pregnant with another kid because Arch was horny (but there was consent this time), although the baby bump is just barely starting to show. Then Arch hops out of the driver's seat. They all look at each other, Arch and the brothers give each other the universal sign of manliness and brotherhood, a silent nod from a far. The twins walk slowly towards Cas, one of them holds their arms up because they want Cas to hold them. And Cas does because he doesn't hold a hatred towards half human half supernatural beings anymore. The story ends with Baby hugging her brothers, having already forgiven Sam for what he did back when he had no soul.

(Other things to mention :

-Rowena took Baby's body because for the spell she was doing she needed the blood of a woman who recently gave birth. But the blood needed to come from a pumping heart so that's why she called in a favor and had Baby revived. Also since she was the mother of cambions that meant the blood would work even better than other blood because of the supernatural spice mixed in three.

-During the period where Baby and Arch live alone with the twins, after the falling out with Sam, they find Foras. Together they beat Foras and kill him.

-During the period where Baby lost her memory she actually spotted Sam and Dean while on a hunt, she felt a sort of familiar feeling when she saw them from a distance but she didn't remember them yet so she left without interacting with them.

-Castiel and Arch-eler become great friends as the story progresses, eventually Arch feels safe enough that he can fully trust Cas with his kids.

-sprinkled in bonding moments happen between the siblings, Baby and Arch, Baby and her twins, Baby and Cas, Arch and Cas, and flashback bonding moments of Baby, Phil, and Daniel.)

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