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Does anyone want a character change for Arch-eler? Like I pick another dude instead of Rocky Lynch, like Arch-eler has to get a new vessel for some reason. Or do you want Arch-eler to stay as Rocky Lynch? If not that's fine (If you do want a character change please comment that you do)

Honestly people commenting helps me get inspired to update quicker but I understand this story is not as popular as the first one. It would be nice to read any of your opinions.


"Hello Sam." Arch-eler greets in a monotone. He was in the middle of reading a book of wendigo lore just to pass time.

"Hey Arch-eler, so we have a situation...." He can hear Sam exhale loudly through the phone.


"Can you find your way here?"

Arch-eler pulls the window curtains to peak outside, "Tell me what's going on and I'll decide if I want to be lazy or not."

"So there's this kid who's also a cambion, destined to be the Anti-Christ and since you're a father to cambions we-"

"You want me to talk to him." He finishes.


Arch-eler leans back in his chair, "What will that do?!"

"C'mon man just help us with this. We're at Alliance, Nebraska." Dean's voice came through the speaker.

Arch puts the phone on top of the open book in front of him. He closes his eyes and rubs his face. The fuck is he gonna do with the twins? Does he bring them?

"Can I bring the twins?"

"Castiel is here with us." Dean answers into the phone, staring at Castiel who was turned into a figurine, on top of the fire place. But Arch-eler doesn't have to know that yet.

Arch groans, "Fuck. Okay give me a minute." He hangs up the call before they could say anything else.

It's dangerous to leave the twins alone in the house. But of course the Winchesters need his help. And he can't bring them so what should he do-

The girl. Arch saw her walking around the trees yesterday. She could still be in the forest. And sure she's a complete fucking stranger but he literally knows her more than anyone else in this state. Which would probably be sad if he wasn't a demon.

Arch-eler teleports outside of his house into the forest. No sight of her yet. "This will take a while." He mutters to himself. He decides that leaving his vessel to search for the girl will make things go quicker.

Arch-eler leaves his vessel which falls down to the ground with a loud thump. He starts going around the forest, little did he know the girl was walking on the path that he dropped his vessel on.

She was still trying to figure out what to do after she left. She likes the woods because barely anyone comes there. She doesn't want to be bothered by anyone and she doesn't want to be a bother to them. But she has little money and needs a place to stay.

She's so lost in thought that she didn't notice the body until she was practically standing on it.

She freezes, remembering it's the strange guy from the house. His eyes were closed, was he breathing? She bends down and touches his arm to shake him. She's surprised to find his skin freezing cold. The girl was about to call out to him to see if he would wake up but a strong cold wind started blowing in her direction. She looks up to see a big long cloud of black smoke flying straight towards her and the body.

Her eyes widens, she falls back onto her ass, scooting away from the body. The black smoke goes into the body from the mouth and the man takes a gasp of air. "What the fuck are you?!" She cries, scrambling to her feet and starts running in the opposite direction.

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