Stealing isn't that bad

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This is how I imagine Eddie to be looking like. ⬆


December, 2010

The long haired demon scratches an itch on the back on his head. It's early in the day. Nobody is parked in the parking lot except for the employee's car. Perfect time to arrive.

"How are we gonna steal anything if there's cameras everywhere?" Eddie yawns, stretching her arms as they get closer to the glass doors.

Arch scoffs. "It's like you don't even know me sometimes."

Eddie stuffs her hands into the pockets of her jacket. She didn't know what the demon was planning on doing. All he said this morning is that they needed stuff and that there's a convenience store they can take the stuff from.

The pair walk into the convenience store, a bells rings above their heads as the air conditioning cools down their skin. The lights flicker for a couple of seconds before going back to normal.

The cashier looks up from his seat, giving a half-assed wave to greet them. Eddie manages to smile at him to not be rude. Arch-eler doesn't even spare a glance.

Eddie keeps glancing at the demon in front of her nervously as she follows him through the store. He picks up some snacks off the shelves, holding them in one arm. He starts heading to the back where the freezer section is when he turns around and faces Eddie.

He throws his arms out to the side. "What are you doing?"

She looks at him with wide eyes. "What d'you mean what-"

He squint his eyes at her in slight confusion. "Get some stuff. Food, those cheap ass clothes over there, something." He spins back around and opens one of the freezer doors.

"How are we gonna pass the cameras and the cashier?"

"I already took care of the cameras-"

"When?!" Arch presses a finger to her lips to quiet her.

"When we walked in Eddie. Why d'ya think the lights flickered?"

"What about the guy?"

Arch-eler rolls his eyes. He places the items that were in his arms down on a shelf beside him. "Be a dear and catch my vessel."

Eddie furrows her eyebrows. Arch-eler exits the body in his black smoke form. Eddie reaches out and barely is able to keep herself from falling when she catches the limp body of Jude.

Arch floats near the ground over to the checkout counter. He glides up to the cashier's face and possesses him.

The conscious of the cashier gets forcefully pushed back as Arch takes control.

He freezes.

He can feel the confusion of the man. He can feel the fear of the man slowly become more intense. He can feel the slight resistance.

In the past eighteen years Arch-eler has only possessed two bodies, Baby and Jude's body. Baby never rejected him or wasn't confused by his pressense. She grew with him. And he never got to feel anything Jude felt because he got there minutes too late. So feeling the confusion of this random man had much more of an effect of Arch than he thought it would.

A tear unexpectedly falls down his, or the cashier's, face from the almost foreign emotions he's experiencing.

"Did-Did it work?" he hears Eddie's voice come from the back of the store.

Arch-eler clears his throat, answering Eddie with the stranger's voice, "Yeah. Happy now?"

Eddie stares up at him with slightly furrowed eyebrows, resembling a child almost. "That's kinda weird."

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