Time to run

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Ronové waddles into the living room where Eddie is sitting on the couch reading a book. The house is already small so there wasn't much places he could go, the living room was the biggest room in the house so that's usually where everyone is most of the time.

"Ebbie!" He calls out to her.

She glances up from the book and smiles down at him.

A pair of legs appear right behind Ro a second later. She was expecting to look up seeing Arch-eler standing there for a split second. But no. Her eyes met the face of someone completely different. It was a man wearing a hood over his head. Different height and clothes than what Arch-eler usually wears.

Eddie screams in fright and the guy just looks confused. She throws the book at him and he raises his hand. The book stops in mid air then drops to the ground. Ronové glares up at Mullin for a moment before becoming distracted by the book that just fell to the floor.

Eddie scrambles off the couch and stands next to the window to get away from the intruder.

Arch glances from around the hallway hearing Eddie scream. The moment he sees Mullin staring at Eddie he quietly slams his head against the wall.

"I haven't seen you in a while and you show up out of nowhere? I don't have anything to give you Mullin." Arch-eler complains, fully stepping into the room.

"You got human s-s-slave now?" Mullin smirks, looking Eddie up and down.

Arch grimaces, "No. The hell, why are you here?"

Mullin ignores the question, "Going soft?"


"Pis-sy much?"

"Shut it Mullin."

"Why she here?" He points to Eddie standing in the corner. "Why are you here?!" Eddie points back. She's looking back and forth between Arch and Mullin, silently asking who the new person was.

Arch puts his hands on his hips. "I don't need to tell you anything."

"Don't tell anything then won't tell anything." He points his finger at Arch then points his thumb to his own chest.

Arch scowls at Mullin. He honestly hates these stupid deals with demons. Or at least Mullin's deals. He sure that if Mullin had his own way and wasn't practically owned by Leonard then Mullin would want to make a deal between him and Arch with sexual pleasures as payment. Horny bastard. But that's getting way off topic.

"Fine you cunt, she's here because she needed a place to stay and I'm lonely here. She already knows I'm a demon.  You of all things should know what the loneliness is like."

Mullin nods, "Bad that you....have her."


He points his finger to his ear, "Hear Leonard's pets speaking with Foras, again. Getting closer to you. Harder for me to be here."

"How close?"

Mullin continues to stare at Eddie, "Don't know. You should worry."

Arch-eler follows Mullin's unblinking gaze. He waves his hand, "Alright Eddie, come over here. Mullin, leave."

Mullin looks taken back, "Doing nothing wrong."

"I don't care. Eddie c'mon."

Mullin turns his body to fully face Eddie, "Best advice, you leave. Nothing good follows demons."

"Mullin can you please leave? I don't have the patience for this shit today."

"I annoy you t-that much?"

Arch pulls slightly on his hair out of frustration. "You just told me that they are getting closer to finding me. Finding my kids. I'm a little pissed off now. So leave."


All of a sudden Mullin gets thrown against the wall the couch is against. His head bangs against the wall and he ends up leaning against the arm of the couch, facing Arch. Eddie jumps in shock, her arms close to her chest. Mullin's eyes are wide with surprise. Arch-eler's eyes are now pitch black. "LEAVE!"

Mullin turns his eyes black now, "I TRY HELP YOU!"


Mullin stays silent so Arch takes that as a sign to continue.

"I thought it would be safe but all you do is just tell me bad news every time you're here. I haven't done anything but hide like a damn coward.....and it is my fault. I can't keep running or hiding forever. I just..I don't know what to fucking do anymore." Arch-eler's voice cracks with emotion at the end.

Mullin was about to say something when the windows shatter inwardly, hitting Eddie directly in the back. She jumps out of the way. Arch immediately goes straight to Ronové who's still sitting on the floor looking scared. The front door swings wide open, slamming into the wall with a loud bang.

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