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Mullin and Leonard are demons I found online. The background of them is just made up by me.

If you want to know, this chapter takes place like right after episode 4 of season 5.

October 1, 2009


It was a fairly breezy day in Sioux Falls. The seasons were changing again. Leaves were flying everywhere in the wind. Allegories annoying everyone who suffered from them.

Arch-eler brought the twins out to a park. Both of them were laying in a baby stroller while Arch-eler was sitting against a bench with his feet propped up on the stroller's tray.

A guy in rollerskates was going around the park, minding his own business. The dude was about to pass by a couple of people walking. Arch-eler lifts his hand subtly and makes the roller skater fall and knock down the other people. He starts laughing quietly and looks around for someone else to do.

There was a teenage couple sitting under a tree. They were just staring into each other's eyes and talking.

Arch-eler noticed a squirrel climbing around the tree above them. He used his demon power and flung the squirrel out of the tree and on top of the couple. They started screaming, the squirrel crawling all over them in panic.

Arch-eler watched the scene with a smile on his face. Obviously he could've done stuff more entertaining but this would do for right now. Maybe later he'll make someone fall in the road.

The phone in his pocket started buzzing. Arch reached down and pulled out the phone, the caller ID read 'Dean'.

"What's up short stack?" Arch-eler answered the phone.

'How much of the future or prophesy do you know?' Dean completely passed over the nickname. He sounded....nervous.

Arch's expression changes a bit more serious. He sat up a bit straighter. "Woah you okay? You sound a little on edge."

'Do you know what happens if I don't accept to be Michael's vessel?!'

Arch-eler was a little taken back by Dean's tone. "No. Not really. Dean, a prophesy isn't an exact telling of a dead set future. The prophesy is just the direction the the holy and unholy forces want to go and work towards. They say the end of everything will happen but that isn't for sure to happen. Why are you freaking out?"

'I'm not freaking out. I--The angel Zachariah showed me something. Something from the future.'

Before Arch-eler could ask more questions one of the twins woke up, looked in Arch-eler's direction, and immediately started crying.

Arch-eler got concerned. He kept the phone at his ear as he reached down to hold her hand.

"What's wrong Ira?" He asked. His daughter's crying woke up his son and he immediately started whimpering.

Arch-eler saw that his daughter was looking at something behind him. In the blink of an eye he spun around and grabbed a hold of the arm that was directly above him when he was sitting. The phone that fell to the bench forgotten.

His eyes met with the angel Zachariah's. His pitch black eyes widened in shock and fear. He pushed Zachariah back a bit with his inhuman strength. But it didn't effect much because Zachariah was an angel and probably more powerful than Arch-eler.

Arch-eler stood in front of the stroller. He didn't have any weapons except for his own abilities.

"I just need your children and I will leave you alone. This doesn't have to end dirty." Zachariah says straightening his tux.

"Like hell it won't." Arch-eler growled.

Zachariah rolls his eyes, "Fine then."

Zachariah raised his arms up and a light source was slowly becoming brighter in his hands but it started to dim down when there was a flap of wings. But not angel wings.

Arch-eler looked over his shoulder and saw a demon, Mullin. His vessel was wearing a jean jacket with the hood over the head, making the face kinda hard to see. But Archeler could tell it was a young man, maybe just got out of his teens.

"Would back off if I you featherass. Unless want I call back up." Mullin said.

Zachariah smiled, "You think I can't take on two of you?"

Mullin whistled, the snarls and growls of hellhounds came from behind Zachariah. He sighed deeply and put his arms up in surrender.

"You are lucky this time Archer." Zach said, and with a flutter of wings he disappeared from the park.

"Alright go home." Mullin calls out to the hellhounds. Arch-eler watches the hounds slowly crawl back to hell in the portals they make.

The cries of his daughter brings his attention back to the stroller. He bent down and unbuckled Iramõn. He held her against his shoulder, she leaned her head against his.

Arch-eler looked around. No humans were in the park. He stood defensively in front of the stroller where his son was still sitting in.

"What the hell are you doing here Mullin?"

"Just visiting. Not here for fight." He says.

Arch-eler narrowed his eyes. Why would Mullin ever visit him? "Everyone is after me. Did Leonard send you? He has connections to Ipos and Foras. You can't be just visiting."

"I heard. You attacked Foras. He escaped and very pissed." Mullin has stayed isolated in hell for a long period of time in the past. So he doesn't fully complete most of his sentences after barely any communication with anyone.

"Yeah I know. If you're here to just remind of my failure to kill that asshole you can leave now."

Mullin puts his arms up, to show no aggression. "No. I'm h-here to help. You and babies."

"What do you mean?"

Mullin grinned as Arch-eler appeared a little less tense. He looks up thinking. "Could give information. About plans for you."

"Aren't you basically in bed with Leonard though?"

"Leonard won't be problem. He trust enough." Mullin said pointing to himself.

"How can I trust you?"

 "I don't know. How do I prove truthf-ful?" Arch-eler stood silent for a moment, thinking. Should he really trust Mullin? Leonard is a powerful demon. He could be using Mullin to drag him and the twins into a trap.

Arch-eler shook his head, "I don't need your help Mullin. Just leave."

Mullin quickly stepped in front of Arch-eler. A bit to close for comfort, "So, don't want know whereabouts of Ipos? Foras? If they come close? Whereabouts of your human?"

"Baby is dead." Arch whispered, loud enough for Mullin to hear.

"But where did body go? Body disappeared yes? Some--thing took body. You don't want f-find it?" Mullin's voice slightly faltering from all the talking.

"I supply all that info, for you." He offered.

Arch-eler looked down at Iramõn to see how she was doing. She finally fully calmed down. She was chewing her fingers and staring at Mullin.

Ronovè went back to sleep in the stroller. Arch let out a small breath of relief, glad that nothing escalated to bad earlier.

He nodded his head towards Mullin, who was patiently waiting for his reply. "What's in it for you?"

Mullin grinned again when Arch-eler basically accepted his offer.



I'm on Fall break so I got inspiration to finish this chapter but I'm back on writer's block again so whoop-do-fucking-doo!

Comment your thoughts about the story if you want.

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