~Harley vs Amber~

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"Hey Ash..still working on that Iron tail huh?" I asked "Yup, your Grovyle can use it right?" I nod at Ash's question "I taught her while I was waiting for you guys..you don't know when it'll come in handy" I said

"Your right.." "here let me help k..Grovyle Cmon out!" "Gro!"

"Alright, were going to help Ash and Pikachu..so Iron tail on that rock!" "Gro! Vyle!" Grovyle smashed the rock into tiny pieces "wow!"

"Now Pikachu..you need to focus more on your tail when attacking with this move. Focus on the movement..and focus on how much power your going to put into it, to hit the Pokémon" I said "Pika!"

"Alright..Grovyle return. Good luck Ash, I have some..business to take care of. But tell me how I goes k.."


"Alright..where is this jerk at?" I said walking around "that's rude..and here I thought we were friends" I turn seeing Harley "hey Harley! Been awhile" I said walking up to him

"Ya it has..so, how many badges/ribbons?" He asked "just one each..but I'll try to get my second ribbon soon" I said "well good luck..why don't I test your battling skills. A double battle"

"Alright! Cacnea..Swablu your up!"
"Ariados..Banette..let's go!"

"Ladies first Harley..Swablu, Sing and Cacnea Needle Arm! Combined the attacks!" Sing wrapped around Cacnea's arm

"Ariados String Shot! And Banette Thunder!"

"Swablu..Arial Ace!"

Swablu dodged the attack using Arial Ace, Cacnea cut through the String shot hitting Ariados "Ariados! Banette..Will-O-Wisp!"

"Dodge it! Then Arial Ace on Ariados..and Cacnea, Needle arm!"

Swablu came in fast hitting Ariados, while Cacnea hit Banette with Needle arm "now..Pin Missile and Ice Beam!"

Both of the moves combined to make a powerful attack "dodge that!" But they weren't fast enough..they both fainted after the smoke cleared "Ariados, Banette!"

"Great job you two!" I said as I ran up to them "Swa!" "Cacnea!"
"Take a nice long rest" I said returning them "great work, Amber..I believe your ready for any double battle" Harley said "thanks Harley! Let's hope I get to see you again! And maybe..you can meet my friends!"

"I'd love to meet the people who've been taking care of you" Harley said "alright..I better be off! See ya Harley!"

*A battle with Harley..made me want to battle even more!*

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