Chapter 3

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

When Jaune opens his eyes the next morning, he notices that he is hugged by two fluffy arms. His eyes widen when he sees Mila lying in bed with him, she is still asleep and purrs while huging him. Mila's eyes open slowly and she looks at Jaune wearily, yawns and sits up.

Mila: Good morning Jaune.

Jaune: Mila what are you doing in my bed?

Mila: I'm sorry I sleepwalk.

Jaune: Then it's okay. How about if you go to the bathroom and I make breakfast.

Mila: Okay, I see you downstairs.

After Mila leaves the room, Jaune gets up and gets dressed. He leaves his room and makes his way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Jaune: Let's hope that won't be a daily thing.

---Timeskip a month later---

It became a daily thing. Jaune wakes up every day and finds Mila in his bed. But it doesn't really bother him anymore. During the month Jaune and Mila got to know Kimihito and Miia and you can say that they became good friends. Jaune is sitting with Smith in the living room while Mila is in her room resting.

Jaune: You want what?

Smith: I want you to go out with Mila, show her the city, do something with her. I said the same to darling.

Jaune: Darling?

Smith: Oh, I mean Kimihito.

Jaune: I have no choice, right?

Smith: No you have not.

Jaune: Then I'll go to town with her tomorrow.

Smith: Good.


Jaune walks through town with Mila at his side. A few civilians look at Mila with astonishment and take pictures. What actually makes Jaune angry, they could at least ask for permission, he thinks to himself.

Mila: Jaune, where do we go?

Jaune: You like reading, don't you?

Mila: Yes I like it.

Jaune: So I want to go to a bookstore with you. You need a couple of books.

Mila smiles a little and blushes.

Mila: Thanks Jaune.

Jaune: It is not worth talking about.

The two arrive at the bookstore and are greeted warmly by one of the staff. Jaune and Mila look at books and Mila notices a book, she picks up the book and turns to Jaune.

Mila: Jaune, do you know this book?

Jaune: "Skulduggery Pleasant"? Never heard of it.

Jaune turns to an employee and asks about the book.

Jaune: Excuse me, can you tell us anything about this book?

Employee: Of course. If you like black humor, funny word battles, action and unique characters, I can only recommend this book.

Jaune: What do you say Mila?

Mila looks at the book again and smiles.

Mila: I will take this book. Do you still want to take a look around Jaune?

Jaune: If you don't mind.

Mila: Of course not.

Jaune looks around a bit until he notices a few manga. He looks around and finds one that looks interesting. Mila looks over his shoulder and sees the manga. Confused, Mila turns her head to the side.

Mila: Jaune, what kind of book is this?

Jaune: Oh, thats a manga, it is a book that consists mostly of pictures, if you want I can lend you one.

Mila: That would be wonderful.

Jaune: I have everything, how about you?

Mila: I have everything too.

The two pay for the books and then get out of the shop again. Instead of going straight home, the two take a detour through the park. The two pass a crepe stand and Jaune stops.

Jaune: Hey Mila, do you want a crepe?

Mila turns to Jaune and looks at him confused.

Mila: Crepe?

Jaune: It's a sweet snack, would you like to try?

Mila: Sure.

Jaune goes to the booth and buys two crepes, both with strawberries. Jaune gives one of the crepes to Mila and she looks at the snack with coriosity. Jaune looks at it with amusement as Mila slowly approaches the snack and takes a small bite of it.

Jaune: Does it taste good?

Mila: Yeah, it's really tasty.

The two make their way home and eat their crepes while walking. The two come along a police barrier and see Miss Smith.

Jaune: Miss Smith, what happened?

Smith: Oh hello you two. It's just a misunderstanding with Miia and Kimihito. So Mila, how was your day?

Mila smiles and close her eyes.

Mila: It was really nice.

Smith looks at Jaune and gives him a thumb up.

Smith: Good job! Do you want me to bring you home?

Mila: No, I would like to walk home with Jaune.

The two keep walking and Mila starts talking to Jaune.

Mila: Jaune, thank you for such a nice day.

Jaune shakes his head.

Jaune: I have to thank you Mila. You don't know how much you are helping me.

To be continued.

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