Chapter 13: The Broken and The Blind

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"Gumball." Fiona hastily whispered out, clenching her teeth together.

"Fiona?" He murmured a seductive growl, grazing his tongue against the outer shell of her ear.

The blonde shivered under his touch, clutching the counter for support. Anything she was doing at that moment had been wiped clean from her state of mind. Biting her bottom lip until it was raw, Fiona anticipated his next move.

"Do you like it when I touch you, Fiona?" The way his words flowed through her was like a drug. He intoxicated her mind, and her body was numb.

"D-don't... Say that." The girl's weak tone was that of a whisper.

Clutching down hard to the cool counter, her knuckles went white. Finger nails etched into the wood panels, she held on for dear life.

Gliding his hands around her waist, the girl flinched at his touch. Warms hands found their way around the silky top the adventuress wore. Snaking up the sides of her curvaceous figure, pulling up the shirt as he went.

Fiona cemented herself in her spot. Her knees were weak and her breathing was jagged. Raspy moans bellowed from her throat.

The prince chuckled, finding amusement in teasing the girl. "Somebody's enjoying themselves."

Fiona's face deepened its current shade of red. "Am not." She acted as though she wasn't.

Pulling up her shirt all the way, made the girl let out a squeak. Bringing her arms up, she let him pull the rest of the blue cloth completely.

The kitchen was dangerously cold without a shirt on. The only things warm were the pink hands that were glued to her hips. They traced rivers of adrenaline around her waist. Finding each individual spot that made her squirm.

"Stop, I'm ticklish." Fiona pouted, finally turning around to face the boy.

A smirk dazzled around his face, his eyes dark with excitement. They glossed over with a hint of amusement and lust. He bit down slightly on his bottom lip, his act sending her mind on fire.

Removing his hands from her sides, Gumball pulled her face in for a kiss. Fiona shut her eyes, drawing closer and closer to the boy. Their lips touched, enveloping one another to their senses.

The adventuress threw her hands around his neck, pulling his even closer. Gumball grasped the back of her lower thighs and propped her up onto the counter. Their heads were evenly leveled now, gaining easier access to each other.

Kissing as though this was the first and last time they had made out, they barley hear the doorknob jiggle.

"Shit!" Gumball pushed away from the girl, literally throwing himself onto the couch.

Fiona hastily grabbed her shirt and nearly ripped it by pulling it on. She pulled her hair out from underneath the shirt and started chopping the vegetables up like crazy.

In a normal tone she muttered out "Wanna get that?" Just loud enough for the vampire at the door to hear.

"Yeah!" Gumball shouted, catching on.

Marshall hissed upon entry. "Took long enough."

"I was washing my hand..." The pink Prince grumbled back.

Floating into the kitchen, Fiona smiled at the boy.

"Got the carrots?" She asked sweetly, pushing her hair behind her ears.

"Yup." He nodded. Dumping the vegetables out onto the cutting board.

Fiona smiled. "Thanks."

Marshall floated on over to the couch, no muttering a word.

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