Chapter 3: Vampire Troubles

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"Oh my glob showers!" Fiona walked out of her steaming shower with a towel rapped around her.

She walked over to the kitchen and popped open the fridge and took out her strawberries. Fiona ate one strawberry and flew over to her bedroom. She undid her towel and placed on her panties, bra, and a short little pajama dress. The blonde walked back to the kitchen an glanced at her strawberries, grey?

"What the-"

"Hey." A manly whisper dripped on her neck, she shivered.

"Marshall Lee! Stop doing that!" Fiona turned on her heels to face the sexy vampire. "What are you even doing here!" The girl huffed.

"I said I was going to check up on you, little Fi." The vampire smirked. Sucking the red out of the last strawberry.

"Today!? And stop calling me Little Fi!" She stomped her foot on the hard wood floors.

"Of course, why not?" He shrugged in the air. "By the way cute dress." Marshall lifted up the edge of her dress a little revealing her cyan colored panties.

"Hey! Marshall! Get out!" She pulled her dress down and pointed towards the door. "Out!"

"No can do little Fi, did we already forget this is MY house too." Marshall floated over to an engraved 'ML' in the tree's bark.

"Don't you have another house to live in, or someone else to bother." This was not the week she was planning on having. Alone meant alone...

"That hurts Fi, that really hurts." The red sucking vampire clutched his plaid shirt were his heart should be, trying to act in pain.

"Oh please, you don't even have a heart." She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Marshall's eyes turned a black red and he hissed. "You don't scare me either." Blonde placed and arm on her hips.

"But I know what does." He lifted her chin and placed his converse covered feet on the floor. He glided closer to her. Just inches away from everything.

"Marshall!" She said madly.

"Fiona.." His seductive voice played around her ears.

"Ugh! Get out! Seriously, why do you need to check up on me!? I'm like an adventuress. I can handle myself." Fiona stormed away.

"Baby come back!" Marshall let out a fake cry.

"And thanks for eating all my strawberries." She rolled her eyes taking a strawberry.

"Ey, a boys got to eat." He shrugged slyly.

"Yeah." Fiona huffed, eating her grey strawberry.

"So... What are your plans for the week?" Marshall flew over to Fiona.

"Getting away from you." She grabbed the bowl and walked over to the TV.

"Harsh. Did you even think maybe I would want to spend time with you?" He wined like a five year old.

"Yeah, what do you think we are doing now? Which by the way I didn't approve of." The blonde huffed making herself comfortable in her couch.

Marshall flew over to the TV and turned it off.

"What the hey hey man?! I was watching that." She sneered. Fiona placed her bowl on the coffee table and folded her arms across her chest. "You have my attention, now what?"

He mirrored Fiona and crossed his arms.


His face hardened and he still didn't say a word.

"Can't I be alone for one week?" She dropped her arms in her lap and sighed.

"Nope." Marshall smiled smugly.

"If you are just going to float there mind turning the TV back on?"

"Nahh..." He shock his head with a grin.

"Really? You're going to make me get up....?" Fiona raised a brow. "Fine."

She got up moving over to the TV. Shoving Marshall out of the way, she turned the TV back on to have it turned off again.

"Why!?" The girl shoved the vampire.

"Hey, play nice now." He grabbed her arms and pulled her to the floor.

"Ugh! Marshall!" She fell to the floor.

The poor girl just wanted a break. This whole week she was suppose to sit and stuff herself with cereal and cry over any movie she wanted. Lying in pajamas all day and not giving a care in the world for one whole week to herself.

But NOOO!! Marshall Lee the bothersome vampire had to ruin her fun.

"Would you get off of me? You are ruining my week of solitude." Fiona huffed, blowing her bangs out of her face.

Marshall's brows curled together. "Why don't you love me?" He made a puppy dog face.

The girl rolled her eyes and lay on the cold hard floor without a remark.

"Marsh, come on? That dumb party really wasn't the highlight of my day. You are making it worse, dude."

Marshall's ears perked up. "You didn't like the party?"

"Not really. That candy throws a party every minute of every day. All I want to do is relax." She sighed.

Marshall picked her up off the floor and sat her on the couch.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Lay down." The vampire instructed.

Fiona turned to him with a look on her face. "Why?"

"I'm going to massage your back."

Oh glob....


So I haven't updated this story in years and I felt like an ass because a lot of you really liked it so far. So here it is. An update!!! Huzzaah!!! Tell me what you think in the comments!! <3

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