Chapter 7: (Reupload) Berry Knotty

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For everyone who couldn't read that last chapter, I'm uploading it here, again. If this does not work then something is wrong with Wattpad. If you have already read this chapter disregard this and I will update a new chapter soon. Thank you for your patience! Love you all!!


"I'm still bummed I only got a bag of cherries." Marshall murmured taking yet another cherry from the bag and draining its color.

Fiona rolled her eyes. "Marshall, please." The blonde softly combed through her hair.

The vampire chucked a grey berry at her head.

"Hey! You do realize those are still good right? Don't throw them at me!" The girl plopped a red fruit in her mouth.

"Hey! That was a red one!" He half cried at her.

She just laughed. "That's what you get for throwing them at me."

She spit the seed into a napkin and continued to brush through her hair.

"You know," Marshall started his sentence, gazing widely at the cherry in front of him. "I kinda forget that these have seed in them."

Fiona finished with her hair and put it in a quick ponytail. She sighed, her hand slumped down at the hard task of brushing and putting up her hair.

"They also have stems too. Can you knot a cherry stem, by any chance?" Fiona asked, popping a cherry off its stem. Putting the stem in her mouth.

Marshall though it over. "Maybe, I'm not entirely sure. I remember I could for a while. Cherries aren't my first choice when it comes to red things."

The girl pulled out a perfect knotted stem with a perky smile to go with it. Besides monster hunting, candy saving, and the heart of a warrior; Fiona's secret talent was the ability to tie knots in cherry stems. It was a secret after all, I mean, most people don't just go around with useless facts about themselves. Especially when her sister already knew it, Gumball would snug his nose at it and the Ice Queen could care less. Fiona's best friend was Marshall Lee, she didn't have much anyone else, so to him this was news.

"When did you learn to do that?" He asked. Now curious at the new found talent.

"I learned it a while ago. It's pretty easy when you get the hang of it." She spoke with a tang of confidence sprinkled into her words.

"Show me." His eyes darkened a little.

She laughed. "It's kinda something you learn on your on. It's hard to explain... You just make a knot."

"That's so helpful." He deadpanned.

"Aren't I just the best?" She half giggled. "No but seriously, you just kinda bend it with your tongue and then loop it."

"You should be a teacher you're so helpful." Marshall stated boredly.

She responded with a fake laugh and a smile. Fiona's mind drifted elsewhere during the silence between them.

"Fi?" Marshall asked, sitting next to her when she didn't respond.

The awkward silence was slowly driving him made. 'First she's all happy and giggly and now she's silent. Did I say something?' Marshall thought to himself as he took a quick glance at her.

Her face was in a frown and she looked like she was about to cry. Like something suddenly came to mind and ripped her heart out.

"Hey, Fi." The boy grabbed Fiona's shoulder. The sudden contact escaping her from her thoughts. "You ok?"

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