Chapter 2: Party hard

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Fiona quickly grabbed his hand and scurried off with the boy.

"Bye Gumball!" She waved to the prince. As they walked away Marshall couldn't help but stick out his tongue at the angered was of gum. They slowly moved to the music on the dance floor.

"Flirting it up with Gumbutt, hm?" The vampire snickered.

"You're funny. Besides even I I wanted to, I have the flirting skills of a walnut." She sighed happily.

"Lil' FiFi's over her wittle crushy wushy." The boy oozed baby talk.

"What? No. An don't talk to me like I'm 5!" Fiona rolled her eyes.

"I've been over that crush for... 2 years now." She stated. Marshall just shrugged.

"So I heard from a little kitty you were going to be all alone for a week." Fiona literally face-palmed herself. Did her sister really tell the King of the Night'O' Sphere that she was going to be



By herself,

With no one around?!

'You've GOT to be kidding me...' The blonde thought to herself.

"I'll be sure to check up on you." He whispered in that seductive tone he always uses on her, which sent flutters to her stomach and a pink tint to her face.

The music stopped and the stage light up with more than 1,000 watts of electricity worth of lights.

"Thank you one and all for coming to this very ball tonight." A familiar pink prince made his way across the stage.

"Although we really all should be thanking the one, and only, Fiona and Cake. Please you two make your way up here." He gestured his hands for the two to get on stage and join him. Even though Fiona had no clue where her sister was. Fiona made her way up the small flight of stairs and walked over to the gummy boy.

"Thanks Gumball." He nodded and handed her his microphone.

"Ummm, I don't really know what to say...?" Fiona blushed.

"I want to tell you how much I enjoy helping you all out in your time of need and thank you for putting your trust in my care. If Cake was here at the moment I'm sure she would be saying the same. Thanks once again for all the amazing times together! Thank you." She smiled to the crowd; who let out a roar of clapping and cheering. Gumball took the mic from the girls hands and continued with his speech.

"As you all know it is the 500th anniversary, and what's an anniversary without cake?!" And with that a huge light blue and pink cake. It was simple, yet beautiful. With light blue frosting and white tuffed boarder, and huge pink roses (edible of course) decorating the edges. You could tell someone with time and care put a lot of effort into it. Many ooo's and aaa's filled the room. The cake had to be at least Fiona's hight.

"What I miss?!" Cake rang behind Fiona's ear.

"Not much... Speeches." The blonde boredly said. The cat nodded.

"Oh boy cake!" Ironically Cake cheered.

"Eh..." Fiona did a fake gag look. Although she loved, loved, loved sweets. She ha enough for the next week. May I remind you this prince has a party almost every night? Or the fact that it's for things like

'Growing the biggest watermelon award' and

'Helped an old candy cross the street.'

If there was award for breathing Gumball would make a party for it.

The part soon died down after the celebration of cake.

"Thanks again for the party, Gumball." Fiona waved goodbye with her sister and Lord M.

"You sure you're gonna be fine doll?" Her sister asked worriedly.

"Yes, yes. You're gonna drop me off at our place. You and your boyfriend are going for his place tonight. I'll probably just end up showering and sleeping. Maybe watching a movie. No big deal I got this." Fiona reassured her sister while getting on her back.


"Ok baby, now no staying up to late. An' lock the doors. Don't forget to floss. Wash behind your ears. Drink milk. Don't make a mess!!" The cat was basically crying in the doorway of their home.

"It's alright, it's alright!! Don't worry Cake I'll be fine." She sang.

"Ok, ok... I love you."

"Love you too." Fiona spoke,The cat sniffled into Lord's hooves. And in a flash they were go into the night sky.

She let out a big sigh and closed and locked the door.

"Oh. My. God.!!!!" She ran off taking off the shoes that were basically death traps for your feet and plopped onto the couch.

"Ahhhh....." She let out a refreshing sigh of relief.

"One whole week, alone, to myself. First thing to do...? Take a shower!" Fiona scurried over to the bathroom and flung off her dress into the hamper. She quickly jumped into the shower to take her bath.


Now I know it's not THAT interesting right now that's cuz we're at the boring stuffs. Bear with me here guys. Sorry for the slow updates T-T anyways thanks for reading! Please comment and vote!

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