Chapter 9: Face Off

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Her brain felt like it was being turned to mush. This had to be some mistake right? Right?

Fiona had a crush on Prince Gumball for years, and it wasn't until too long ago that she dismissed those feeling. Why have feeling for someone if they aren't going to be reciprocated? That was just a basic rule of life; just dust yourself off and keep on living.
Unfortunately, that surly wasn't the case for Fiona.

In her younger years, Gumball had never shown an ounce of love for Fiona. While, yes, he loved her as a friend and as a girl, just never as one. This was all true and easy to get over... Until now.

'There is no way in hell he likes me. He never has and never will.' Fiona nibbled at her thumb as she paced back and forth through her kitchen.

'Ok, then why did he act like that?' She continued to ask herself questions in her head.

'Duh, he just wants to prove a point to you!'

'Nu-uh! There is no way in glob that Prince Gumball would you with a women's emotions just to prove a point!'

'Then explain what happened last night?!'

'That's impossible!!'

Fiona physically groaned and hit her head repeatedly with a pillow.

"If you keep doing that you'll just become dumber than you are now." Marshall glided into the room with a pair of jeans on and a towel on his head.

The blonde tossed the pillow back into the couch. She basically ran over to the boy with need in her eyes.

"Marshall, how do you act when you like a girl?" Fiona literally clung to his leg.

The vampire rose a brow. "Why are you asking?"

She crawled up his body to face him. "Because I need to know."

Marshall sighed. "Ok, what happened?"

"N-nothing!" Fiona stuttered, trying to find the right words without giving anything away.

Marshall stood there, running a hand through his damp hair, eyeing her. "What did you do?" He glared a little.

"I didn't do anything!? I mean like... Let's say you, a boy, wanted to prove a point, to a girl. How far would you go?"

"How far are we talking?" He shrugged. His arm muscles flexed lightly.

The adventuress paused for a second. "Maybe, um, having sex with them?" She looked up to him with a worried grin.

Marshall's eyes grew wide, he threw the towel away from his hands and held onto Fiona's shoulders. His deep red eyes poured into her blue ones. His fangs were well prominent when he open his mouth to talk.

"What point is this dude trying to make with you, Fiona?!" He shook her lightly.

"I-It's probably not gonna happen... I mean."

"Probably?!" That had just set him off even more.

She put her hands up. "I'm not going to do anything stupid!!"

"So it is you?!"

"No! I never said-"

He cut her off, releasing her from his grip. "I forbid you to sleep with any men."

"Ugh! You sound just like Gumball!" Fiona groaned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, he has a point!"

"You can't tell me what to do!" She sounded like a teenager talking to her parents.

Marshall scowled. "You are too young?!"

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