Chapter 8: Sticky Situation

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Fiona woke up in a tangled mess of sheets and vampire boy. The sound of rain still poured down hard on the window and roof. It's rhythmic tune drowned out any silence in the room.

'It's still raining.' Fiona thought to herself as she rose from bed. She shivered, clinging onto her warm skin that had been exposed to the air. Pulling over a sweatshirt she padded down the ladder.

The 'bed' that Prince Gumball had been sleeping in last night was all made up; blanket folded up nicely at the arm of the chair, and a pillow resting aside it.

"Gumball?" The blonde mellowed out softly, not to disturb the monster sleeping upstairs.

With no response, Fiona headed the kitchen to make herself breakfast. Cereal and milk was on today's menu. Pulling milk from the fridge and cereal from the cabinets, she made herself some breakfast. Sitting down she happily spooned out her breakfast into her mouth, chewing softly to herself. Staring off into space, Fiona didn't even notice when the pink Prince entered the room.

"Good morning, Fiona." Gumball said perky-like. His hair gently dripping on the towel around his neck. He was formally clothed in his royal attire.

"Did you take a shower? I didn't even hear you." It wasn't like she was a heavy sleeper, she was just really tired.

He nodded. "Yeah."

Fiona went back to her cereal, happily munching away without a care in the world. She looked up and noticed Gumball turned to her, almost like he was about to say something. His face turned, slumped down and almost intimidating. Fiona had no idea what could have pissed him off in less than five seconds.

"So," the Prince's hand felt flat on the table, just inches away from creating a mess with the girl's breakfast. "Where did you two sleep last night."

Fiona held in the urge to roll her eyes. Tossing her cereal into the sink she turned back to him with fiery eyes. Crossing her arms she stared at him, she didn't need this; this 'momma bear' act. Fiona was basically an adult, she didn't need another mother figure in her life; she had Cake.

"Ugh!" Fiona physically groaned, her hands falling to her hips. "Listen Gumball, I understand your concern for me, but I'm not a little girl anymore. If you haven't noticed yet I'm an adult now! I can handle myself! If Cake can trust me an entire week by myself, then I think you should be able, too."

"Fiona, I'm well aware of your growth into womanhood." His formality of speech really ticked her off. To her, he treated her like a subject- not a friend- when he spoke like this to her. "But sleeping with a guy like Marshall Lee is strictly off limits!"

Gumball's foot rattled the floor. Fiona crossed her arms again, this time snickering comically.

"What?" The pink man jarred back in disbelief how she was not taking this seriously. "What could possibly be funny?" He huffed again.

The blonde grinned at the sudden realization of the major red flags in his speech. "Sounds to me like you're just jealous 'cuz you can't get anyone into bed with you."

Wether Gumball was aware of it or not, Fiona didn't do anything. She slept with the boy, yes, but that was it.

However, the comment hit him like a bullet, and Gumball was pissed. A mix of fury and disbelief at what the goodie-two-shoes of a girl had just rattled at him was bizarre.

"Excuse me?!" Gumball stared at the girl in disbelief, his eyes grew wide and his hand balled into sweaty messes at his side. He looked like he was on the verge of yelling.

"You heard me." Fiona wiggled her head side to side with each word, teasing him. Her lips pursed with an evil grin. "You. Are. Jealous." She poked at his chest with each word.

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