Closing Time pt.2

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"Good afternoon, Val" I say.


"Where am I investigating?" Craig asks.

"Well, look round. Ask questions. People like it when you're with a baby. Babies are sweet. People talk to you. That's why we usually take a human with us" I say.

"So, I'm your baby?" I chuckle.

"You're my baby" I hug Craig. Val smiles indulgently.

"Hope you don't mind me saying, Seer, but I think you look ever so sweet, you and your partner and the baby."

"Partner? Yes, I like it. Is it better than companion?" I ask.

"Companion sounds old-fashioned. There's no need to be coy these days."

"You've not noticed anything unusual around here lately, Val?" the Doctor asks.


"Yes, yes?"

"Mary Warnock saw Don Petheridge snogging Andrea Groom outside the Conservative Club on his so-called day off golfing."

"Yeah. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all" I say as the Doctor air-kisses Val and moves away along with me.

"And then there's that silver rat thing."

"What?" a while later, the Doctor is underneath a table, scanning.

"A silver rat, glowing red eyes" I say.

"Yes. Then it zizzed off. I wanted to get one for my nephew, but stockroom says there's no such item."

"I bet they do."

"Well, what was it then? Answer me that.


"What's all that hullabaloo?"

"Er, that'll be my partner with the er...' I trail off.

"Ah" Craig has knocked over a rack of fillies'

"Make a habit of hanging round in women's wear, sir?"

"I'm sorry. Oh, shush. Alfie, come on."

"He's a pervert. Look at him."

"Hello, everyone. Here to help" the Doctor says.

"Hello, Doctor. Hello, Seer."

"Hello. Has anyone seen a silver rat? No. Ok. Long shot. I see you've met our friend, Craig. Nice uniform, George" I say.

"Thank you, Seer. If he's with you two, that's all right, then" George says.

"Sorry. I thought he was hassling me, because that's the last thing I need today because Shona's not turned up, right, so I'm doing twice the work for the same money, if you don't mind" the woman says.

"Shush" I say, the woman shuts up.

"Please teach me how to do that," Craig says.

"No. Hold on. Un-shush. Shona?"

"My supervisor. She's meant to be in today but never showed up."

"Well, where did you last see her?"

*Time skip*

"How do you do that? It's a power, isn't it. Some sort of weird alien hypnotic power. I bet you both excrete some sort of gas that makes people love you" Craig says.

"Would that we could, Craig" I say, the Doctor looks through a curtain and a woman screams.

"Er, sorry, Madam. I'd try that in red if I were you" the Doctor says.

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