The Lodger

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The TARDIS materialises in a small park across the road from groups of terraced houses, the Doctor and I get out looking around.

"No, Amy, it's definitely not the fifth moon of Cindie Colesta. I think I can see a Ryman's" the Doctor says, there is an explosion, throwing the Doctor and I fall to the ground, and the TARDIS dematerialises.

"Amy! Amy!" I shout


The TARDIS is shaking, and there is a shower of sparks nearby, Amy hangs onto the scanner.

"Alex? Doctor? It's saying we're on Earth. Essex, Colchester" Amy says, the shaking stops "Alex? Doctor? It's taking off again. Alex, can you hear me?"

"Amy! Amy" the Doctor says as he and I sit up.

*Time Skip*

"Craig, what's that on the ceiling?"

"What's what on the ceiling?" the man supposedly called Craig asks not turning around.

"That. It's coming from upstairs" a damp stain is in the corner of the room "who lives up there again?"

"Just some bloke" Craig replies, the stain spreads without their knowledge "so, what's the plan tonight? Pizza, booze, telly?"

"Yeah, pizza, booze, telly" a bang sounds from upstairs "what is he doing up there? You put the advert up yet?"

"Yeah, did it today, paper shop window. One furnished room available immediately, shared kitchen, bathroom, with a twenty-seven-year-old male, non-smoker, four-hundred-pound pcm, per calendar month, suit young professional."

"Mmm, sounds ideal. That's your mission in life, Craig. Find me a man."

"Yeah, otherwise you'll have to settle for me."

"You'll have to settle for me first" the women answers her phone "oh, Melina again. What? Right. Yeah, but I've kind of got plans. No, it's nothing important, it's just Craig" Craig sees the stain spreading again.

"Oh, thanks, Soph."

"Sorry. You know what I mean. Ok, I'll talk to Craig. Ok. Now she's having a Dylan crisis on top of the Clare crisis. It could be another all-nighter. I'm sorry, but I really should go. Do you mind if I go?"

"No, not at all. No, honestly. Course not. Go."

"Because I could stay."

"No, go on."

"I mean, we've got plans."

"Just pizza."

"Yeah, it's just pizza. Ok, right, I'm going."

"All right, then. Well, er, I'll see you soon."


"All right. And give me a call, and I hope everything's ok."

"Thanks, sorry" Sophie leaves the flat and hears noises from upstairs, then footsteps. She leaves the house.

"Just tell her. Just tell her. I love you. I love you. Oh, just. Hey, I don't know if you knew. Oh" Craig start talking to himself when he's interrupted by the doorbell ringing "every time" Sophie has left her keys behind on a fluffy pink key ring, so he picks them up and goes to the front door "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you" he repeats while walking towards the front door, he opens the door.

"I love you" I grin.

"Well thank you..." I go to continue but the Doctor speaks up.

"That's good because we're your new lodgers. Do you know, this is going to be easier than we expected" the Doctor takes the fluffy pink keys from Craig. There is a Bluetooth device in both of our ears.

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