The Almost People pt.3

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"Daddy? Where's my daddy?" the rescued group enters. Amy and Rory hug. The two Cleaves stare at each other

"Daddy, it's me."

"Hey, sunshine. What are you up to?"

"Opening all my presents."

"Ha ha, good lad. You have fun today. And remember your dad, he loves you very, very much."

"When are you coming home?"

"Daddy's coming home today, Adam" I say.


"Now we need to move," the Doctor says.

*Time skip*

Ganger Jennifer morphs into a ravening beast.

"Run. Run. Run! Ooo, roof's going to give" I say, we get to a security door marked No Humans.

"We have to stop her. This door doesn't lock" G-Dicken says.

"No, but the far one does" Dicken runs back along the passage and struggles with the jammed door as the monster approaches. He finally gets it shut with himself on the wrong side.

"No!" G-Dicken shouts.

"Here she comes," G-Alex says, the TARDIS crashes through.

"Oh, she does like to make an entrance," the Doctor says as he opens the door "everyone move."

"Go. Go, go, go" G-Alex says.

"Get on board. Go" G-Cleaves says.

"I'm not leaving," Cleaves says.

"Go" G-Cleaves responds.

"Hey, hey. Now's our chance" Amy says grabbing G-Alex's hand.

"I have to stay. Hold this door closed. Give you time to dematerialise."

"Oh, don't be crazy. Ok, what happens to you?"

"Well, this place is just about to explode. But I can stop her" I say.

"Both of you can survive this, ok? There has to be a way" Amy says.

"Or perhaps you think I should stay instead? Misses Smith" I say looking at G-Alex who stood in the middle of the Doctor and Amy.

"No, of course not. But look, this woman, I've flown with her, you know? And you are amazing and yeah, I misjudged you, but you're not her. I'm sorry" Amy says.

"Amy, we swapped shoes," G-Alex says letting go of Amy's hand.

"I'm the Seer" I say meeting my counterpart halfway before going to stand next to the Doctor.

"And I'm the Flesh," G-Alex says.

"You can't be. You're the real her" Amy says.

"No, I'm not, and I haven't been all along."


"I'm the original Seer, Amy. We had to know if we were truly the same. It was important, vital we learn about The Flesh, and we could only do that through your eyes" I say, Amy hugs the Ganger Alex.

"I never thought it possible," Amy says.


"You're twice the woman I thought you were."

"Push, Amy. But only when she tells you to" G-Alex says.

"Amy, come on!" Rory shouts.

"Well, my death arrives, I suppose" G-Alex says.

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