Power Of Three

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There are 59 messages on the answering machine. Rory, is putting clothes from a suitcase into the washing machine while Amy checks the fridge.

"It's Lane's Opticians. Just reminding you your reading glasses are ready for collection. Bye!"

"Milk two months out of date. Yogurt" It smells and looks so bad she drops it "eek! Don't ask."

"We've run out of washing tablets," Rory says.

*Time skip*

"We have two lives. Real life and Doctor and Alex's life. Except real life doesn't get much of a look in."

"What do we do?" Amy asks.

"Choose?" the sound of the TARDIS materialising the two sit up.

"Not today, though."

"Nah, not today."

"Every time we flew away with the Doctor and Alex, we'd just become part of their life. But they never stood still long enough to become part of ours. Except once. The year of the slow invasion. The time the Doctor and Alex came to stay" as Rory and Amy sleep, a black box appears downstairs and floats onto a shelf.

*Time skip*

Rory and Amy are woken by the doorbell. They look out of their bedroom window.

"Dad, it's half past six in the morning," Rory says.

"What are you doing lying around? Haven't you seen them?" Brian asks, he has one of the boxes, and there are lots of them scattered around the street.

"What are they?" Rory asks.

"Nobody knows. They're everywhere."

"Well, where have they come from? Wait" Amy says, two people in tweed jackets are sitting on top of a child's climbing frame examining two boxes "Doctor! Alex!"

"Invasion of the very small cubes. That's new" I say.

"World leaders are appealing for calm."

"After the global appearance of millions of small cubes. Despite official warnings, people have been taking the cubes from the streets into offices and homes."

"What are they?"

"Where do they come from?"

"And why are they here?"

"Well, they're certainly not random space debris. They're too perfectly formed for that. Are they extra-terrestrial in origin? Well, you'll have to ask a better man than me."


"All absolutely identical. Not a single molecule's difference between them. No blemishes, imperfections, individualities" I say.

"What if they're bombs? Billions of tiny bombs? Or transport capsules maybe, with a mini robot inside. Or deadly hard drives. Or alien eggs? Or messages needing decoding. Or they're all parts of a bigger whole. Jigsaw puzzles that need fitting together" Brian says.

"Very thorough, Brian. Very, very thorough. Well done. Stay here. Watch these. Yell if anything happens" the Doctor says.

"Doctor, Alex, is this an alien invasion? Because that's what it feels like" Amy says.

"There couldn't be life-forms in every cube, could there?" Rory asks.

"We don't know. And we really don't like not knowing" I say, the TARDIS is parked in Amy and Rory's lounge room.

"Right, we need to use your kitchen as a lab. Cook up some cubes. See what happens" the Doctor says.

"Right, I'm due at work," Rory says.

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