The Curse Of The Black Spot

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*On deck*

A captain picks up his duelling piece.

"Same as all the others. No sign of a struggle, no bones or blood."

"We're shark bait, every single one of us. Stuck on the ocean, waiting."

"Until the wind changes" there is thumping from below deck "what's that?"

"It's the creature. It's returned" the hatch to the hold bursts open.

"Yo ho ho! Or does nobody actually say that?" the Doctor asks, I pick a bit of seaweed off my jacket and smile.

*Time skip*

"We made no signal."

"Our sensors picked you up. Ship in distress" I say.


"Yes. Ok, problem word. Seventeenth century. Our ship automatically, er, noticed-ish that your ship was having some bother" the Doctor says.

"That big blue crate?"

"That is more magic, Captain Avery. They're spirits. How else would they have found their way below decks?"

"Well, er, we want to say multidimensional engineering, but since you had a problem with sensors, I won't go there" I say.

"Look, I'm the Doctor, this is the Seer, Amy and Rory. We're sailors, same as you. Ooo ar. Except for the gun thing. And the beardiness."

"You're stowaways. Only explanation. Eight days, we've been stranded here, becalmed. You must have stowed away before we sailed."

"Now what do we do with 'em?"

"Oh, I think they deserve our hospitality."

*On deck*

The Doctor is being made to walk the plank.

"I suppose that laughing like that is in the job description. Can you do the laugh? Check. Grab yourself a parrot. Welcome aboard" the Doctor says.

"Stocks are low. Only one barrel of water remains. We don't need three more empty bellies to fill. Take the doxy's below to the galley. Set them, to work. They won't need much feeding."

"Rory? A little help?" Amy says Rory is being held by Dancer, an African born sailor.

"Yeah. Hey, listen, right? They're not doxy's" Rory says.

"I'm pretty sure she didn't mean just tell him off" I say.

"Thanks anyway," Amy says.

"If you're lucky you'll drown before the sharks can take a bite."

"If this is just because I'm a captain too, you know, you shouldn't feel threatened. Your ship is much bigger than mine. And I don't have the cool boots. Or a hat, even" the Doctor says, I look at him.

"Time to go."

"A bit more laughter, guys?" I turn to see Amy no longer there instead Amy has gone to the hold and found a crate of cutlasses.

"Where are the rest of the crew? This is a big ship. Big for five of you. I suppose the rest of them are hiding someplace, and they're going to jump out and shout boo" I say.

"Boo!" Amy has taken the time to don a coat and tricorn hat "throw the gun down" Avery obeys. She kicks it away

"the rest of you, on your knees."

"Amy, what are you doing?" the Doctor asks.

"Saving your life. Ok with that, are you?" she asks.

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