Ch. 9

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"Yo we totally won!" Peyton yelled.

"Whatever.... it aint our fault Niqo sucks at volleyball!" Anthony laughed back.

We were all now at me and Jacob's apartment, beers in hand. I was terrified either Jacob or I would slip up and use our real names on behalf of the alcohol.

Anyways, our new friend group was awesome! I loved them already. Peyton was short. She almost made me feel like a giant. She was about 5 feet tall with long brown hair. Penny was i guess average height, but still a little shorter than I was. Penny had these really cute box braids and probably the prettiest skin I've ever seen. Anthony was about 5'9 and lightskin.He had this haircut like August Alsina... basic, but it fit him well. He was good looking, but too short in my opinion. Tall guys were ALWAYS winning in my book, and that just happened to be Ryan. Ryan was actually perfect. He had a cute mini afro and had the most beautiful brown skin. I barely noticed him at first when we started playing volleyball, but now I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. But the best part about it... he was 6'3. Yes. 6'3. He was PERFECT. 

"So yall, where are you from?" Ryan asked looking back and forth at Jacob and I. 

"We're from Cali. Los Angeles." I spoke. It was getting hard for me to breathe. How could I fall so hard for this guy and we've only talked like 5 times?

 "Aye no way! I grew up there. I left Cali though and went to UF for college. After that, just fell in love with Florida so I stayed here." Ryan spoke.

"So tell us more about yourselves. Are yall like, a couple?" Penny asked.

"OH NO NO NO NO NO" Jacob and I spoke at the same time.

"We are just friends! Um Londyn is practically my sister. I watch out for her all the time." Jacob spoke.

I was confused as to why he called me Londyn, but remembered shortly after. The alcohol was getting to me, and I knew we had to stop talking about Jacob and I or else something would slip out, and I couldn't have that happen.

Normally, it wouldn't matter if we had a slip up, since we would be gone in a few days. However, this time, Jacob and I planned on staying a lot longer. He was paying for this apartment, and I knew I couldn't slip up.

Thankfully, my prayers were answered. Peyton suggested watching a movie on Netflix. 

We changed to some movie I've never even heard of and I eventually drifted off. 

However, I was soon awaken. Not by a person, but by the jolting movements of my stomach. I was sick from the alcohol.

I flew to the bathroom and threw it up, careful not to mess up my clothes. When I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked the new me, but if I was gonna constantly feel like this, was it really worth it? 

I rinsed my face off and brushed my teeth and headed back to the living room where everyone was crashed.

Or so I thought.

"Ouch!" I whispered. I ran into someone, but I couldn't make out who it was. My head was pounding and the last thing I wanted was to talk to someone.

"Oh I'm sorry Londyn. I heard you get up, are you okay?" 

My heart froze. The voice belonged to Ryan. His hand was on my shoulder. Even though I had a huge hangover, talking to him was completely worth it.

"Yeah, I'm just a little sick. It's been a while since I've had a drink, and I guess I'm paying the price."

"Here, I got you." He grabbed my had and took me over to the kitchen area. He used his phone light to get me some asprin and a cup of water. 

"Take this. I know asprin barely helps sometimes, but when you're hungover it's a life saver." Ryan said softly.

I followed his instructions and took the pills, and looked up at him after. He was just staring at me. 

"Here, let me take you back to bed." Ryan whispered.

Next thing I knew, he picked me up and carried me. I was slightly confused when he passed my spot on the couch in the living room where everyone else was, but relieved when he opened the door to my room. He layed me down on my bed, and without asking, layed down with me. 

"You're welcome Londyn, I hope you feel better." He said.

I didn't speak. I couldn't speak. Instead, I fell back asleep with my heart fluttering, my head pounding, and a huge smile on my face.

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