Ch. 14 End.

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I sat in front of a glass window, finally being able to see my parents for the first time in about a year.
"Oh my precious Kenya! We missed you so much!" My mom cried into the phone.
I put my hand on the glass for her to put hers up to mine. I longed for her touch, but this barrier was ruining that.
"Mom, I'm so sorry for what I've done. As much as I would love to get out of here, I gotta do my time. How's the bail money coming along though?" I smiled.
"Not so well honey... Everyone from home knows what happened and just think you were crazy for what you did. So far we only have $500 of the $10,000."
I sighed and looked down.
"Do you know how Jacob is?" I asked.
Jacob was transferred to the NY prison after getting in fights with inmates. I was still in Florida. Thankfully, all of our friends visited me every Saturday morning for visitation hours.
"Yeah, he's okay K. Last we heard, he has to do 40 years." My Dad spoke.
My heart stopped. 40 years?
"W- WHAT?"
I myself was only doing 5 and I was complaining. But 40 for Jacob... I couldn't imagine.
"Yes, his trial went poorly so he got 30, but after fighting with 6 inmates here and stabbing another, he got 10 more added."
I started to cry, suddenly really missing my best friend. However, there was nothing I could do. I couldn't even do anything for myself. I was trapped in here for the next 5 years.
"Alright, time to go Kenya." The guard behind me snapped.
"Bye sweetie. Bye precious." My parents said.
I opened my mouth to say goodbye but the guard snatched away the phone from my ear and hung up the phone.
He took me by the arm and put my handcuffs back on, leading me back to my cell.
He shoved me into the tiny room with only a bed, a toilet, and sink, slamming the door behind him.
I crawled over to my bed laying down flat on my back. Over the loud screams from other female inmates all around me, I thought. I always knew deep down that the choice I made that night to leave with Jacob was wrong, but I never thought I would get caught. Now, I'm eating prison food, Ryan won't visit let alone talk to me, I barely see my friends, my parents JUST now came, and my best friend is way up north serving 40 years.
I curled up in my normal ball and cried like always. Most inmate draw, sing, write, read... No. I always cry. They all call me cry baby. I hated it more than anything, but it was the only way I could survive these five years.
For the first time, I was stuck. There was no drive to Hollywood, or Vegas. There was no beach, or friends. There was no freedom. I was stuck in a cement box all alone. My years of being on the run are over, and so is my life.
We were actually caught.

On the Run- A Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now