Ch. 3

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I've never heard music this loud. At the club, there were a ton of sweaty men sitting in chairs starring in awe at the stage full of girls. Pervs. 

Chresanto taught me the basics of bartending, and so I wouldn't be alone, he decided to help me out.

"I also need to stay here with you to help protect you. There are some pretty creepy guys here and Jacob would probably kill me if something happened to you under my watch." He told me.

The bar wasn't busy. Everyone was watching the show, which allowed me to get to know Chres better. 

"So, how did you and Jacob meet?" I asked him.

"Back in college. We went to UCLA. He lived down the hall from me, but I didn't start talking to him till senior year. He barely came out his room before then." 

"How come?"

"You know Jacob... he loves those computers man. He was always trying to find different hacks. Plus, if anyone's computer crashed or had a question about their computer, they went to him to ask for help. So he was always busy... but that's how I met him. We then became friends, and I got him out side more. The boy was a genius with computers tho, still is."

"Yeah... I can tell. That's how we met actually, you know, through computers." I said.


I knew I couldn't tell him exactly how... for that can never be something I would ever talk about. There could be cameras or undercover cops anywhere, and I wasn't risking going to prison for life. 

"I was at the library trying to research a book, and I needed help. Haha you know those public computers.. always messing up right? Well, I was struggling and I guess Jacob saw and decided to help me. And we just became friends." I lied. 

"Good enough friends for yall to travel everywhere together huh?"

"I'd rather not talk about that... but yeah. Jacob is my best friend." I responded.

Chresanto then nodded and looked out at the crowd.

"You know, it's so weird how life works. I studied to be a lawyer you know? Now, I own this club," Chresanto said, "my parents haven't talked to me in years. I feel like such a disappointment to them. I feel like this isn't how I should be spending my life."

"Well, do what feels right. If it wasn't for your parents... would you wanna be here?" 

"No. I'm only here because law didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. I minored in marketing, but somehow just winded up here. I worked here before i ended up owning the place you know? I was here as a bartender. Then the owner died. Next thing I knew, I had to move up to take his place. I never knew it would come to that."

"Well, all you gotta do is find a new owner right?" I asked.

"I've been trying to do that, but it isn't that simple."

Right as I was about to give more advice to Chresanto, a young gentleman, probably around my age, came to the bar and sat down at a stool in between me and Chresanto.

"Ayee Chres! What's up man?" He said.

"Hey Diggs, not much. You want the usual?" Chresanto answered.

"You know it!" He suddenly turned and looked at me. "And who might you be?"

"Hey, I'm Kenya." I answered.

"Nice to meet you Kenya, I'm Daniel, but everyone calls me Diggy."

"Aye Kenya! Diggy knows Jacob too!" Chres called out as he was making Diggy's drink.

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, Jacob was my room mate in college. How do you know him?" Diggy asked me.

"Well, he's my best friend. We've been traveling the world together." 

"Wow really? Small world. Haha well Jacob sure did good!" Diggy smiled.

"Oh no, we aren't together... he's like my brother!" 

"Word?" Diggy asked.

"Yeah... it's a weird situation, but trust me, we are not together." 

Chresanto finished making Diggy's drink and handed it to him. It was an awkward silence, well besides the music blasting in the background. Diggy was staring at me, and Chresanto was looking back and forth at both of us to figure out what was gonna happen next.

"Give me your arm real quick." Diggy finally said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." 

I hesitated, but then held out my arm in front of him. Diggy reached in his pocket for something, finally grabbing a sharpie. He bit the cap off, leaving it in his mouth, as he wrote his number on my arm. When he was finished, he put the marker away, grabbed his drink, winked at me, and walked back to his seat.

At this point, Chresanto was on the floor laughing.


"Chresanto! Hahaha it's not funny! He was cute!" I answered.

"Hahaha sorry it's just weird. Diggy is the guy who always goes to the club but never gives any girl his number. He's been a regular here for like 2 years and never gave one stripper his number. He must really like you Kenya."

I looked away from Chresanto, smiling at what he said. I looked out back to Diggy, and found him smiling at me. I smiled back and looked at the number on my arm. 

Well, it has been a while since I've been in a relationship...

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