Ch. 2

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Cali was absolutely perfect. When we arrived, at 9am in pacific time, the sun was as bright as you could ever imagine. We were in Hollywood. It was the perfect place to admire California's beauty. Jacob said the main reason why we were here was because he was running out of money, and one of his best friend's was here to help us out. 

"My boy Ray said he would stop by the hotel later to tell us what we can do for some money." Jacob told me. 

"Wait, we have to do something? I thought he was just gonna help us out by loaning us some."

"Nah. That's not how it works K. We'll be fine, I promise." Jacob said. He gently grabbed my hand for reassurance. 

I was hesitant about doing something for money. I knew it couldn't possibly be a normal job, considering the fact that Jacob and I would be here for probably no more than 4 days. I also knew, this was something that had to be done. We've never ran out of money before, and if we didn't do something, we would have to stay here in Hollywood, and we would eventually be caught. 

I put my head against the car window and closed my eyes. It was always tough for me to sleep while on the road, so it was as if I was always tired. I got maybe and hour of sleep each night. Me and Jacob would each take 4 hour driving shifts, and at night, my break would consist mostly of tossing around in my seat and watching the streetlights go by on the highway.

Eventually, we made it to the hotel. As we checked into the hotel, I felt the tiredness catch up with me. We got to the room and both Jacob and I crashed on the bed.

A few hours after, we awoke to a knock at the door. Jacob stretched, stood up, and checked who it was before opening. He looked back at me, and opened the door.

In came a guy with long hair and a snapback on. He was wearing a really big shirt with some saggy pants. I assumed this was "Ray" that Jacob mentioned earlier. 

Jacob gave him some dap, and then turned over to me.

"Aye, Kenya, this is Ray, Ray, this is Kenya." Jacob said.

"Hi" I responded.

"Hey!" Ray answered.

"Here, come on in man. Sit down, do whatever you want," Jacob  said as he invited him inside. "So tell us, what did you have in mind for us to get some money?"

"Okay. Well Jacob, you know my lil side business of selling. It's easy money... and it's a lot. I'll show you the good selling spots and everything. You in?" Ray asked.

"I guess so... I don't really have a choice." 

"Wait-" I interrupted. "Jacob. You can't sell! Cops really look for that! And come on... we are already on the FBI's radar."

"K, we don't have a choice! We can't stay here long!"

"Ok... well Ray, what do I have to do?" I asked. 

"My friend Chres owns a club... and-"


"K! We have to cooperate!" Jacob exclaimed.

"Jacob, you don't have to go shaking your ass for money. Until you have to do that, you can shut up. Ray... there's gotta be something else." I answered.

"Hahaha oh no! Kenya! I wasn't finished talking! Anyways, he owns a club and he needs a temporary bar tender for his half off week! You in for that?" Ray smiled.

"Umm... I guess. But I never really did any time of bartending before..."

"It's alright! The creeps will be staring at the girls most of the times anyways. I don't think it even matters. Plus, it's only for 4 days." 

"Alright. I'm in."

"Good. Both of you start tonight, so you better go back to sleep and get more rest. See ya later Jacob... and Kenya, I'll send you the address."


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