Ch. 4

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"Absolutely NOT!" Jacob yelled back at me. I told him what happened with Diggy at the club tonight. I actually though Jacob lost his mind.

"Why!? I haven't been on a date in forever Jacob! And it's not like you take me out!" I yelled back.

"This is the life YOU chose. When I went to the white house that day, I knew I would either be locked up or on the run for the rest of my life... YOU just wanted to tag along! What you seem to not understand is that ONE little slip up, and we will BOTH be caught!" 

"Well... how about he just comes over here. I mean yall were room mates in college right? I bet it's been a long time since you've seen him."

"Yeah and I don't really wanna see him either." Jacob replied back.


"That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is... I don't want you seeing him. You will get attached K, and you will wanna stay here longer than the three more days we have here. Do you see me asking girls on dates? Hell no! I know the risks of it, and you need to learn them too." 

Jacob crawled over to my side of the bed and turned off the light, and crawled back in his spot. 

"Look K, you're all I got. If you got locked up... I don't know how I would do all this traveling alone. You're my best friend and I don't want anything to happen to you." Jacob whispered.

I looked over at his silouette in the darkness. His afro dented from moving around on the bed. It suddenly jiggled, signaling that he turned to look at me too.

"Jacob, I understand. Life like this is tough, but we can't live like this forever. We are young. We have to do something to end this. Being only 27, we have a whole life ahead of us. Marriage, or families... lord knows. But I know also that this isn't the life you want to live forever too." I spoke.

He propped himself on his elbow and looked at me. I could barely see his eyes in the darkness.

"Well, until we figure out something to do... this is how we must live. Like I said, I need you here with me, and you need me too. Without eachother the other is bound to get caught." 

"You're right. When I see Diggy tomorrow, I'll tell him that the date is out of the question." I responded.

"Come here." 

I listened to Jacob as he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me in his warmth. I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

The next morning, I woke up finding Jacob still sleep. I gently got out the bed and made my way to the suitcase on the other side of the room. I unzipped it and got out a t shirt and shorts. I went to the bathroom to rinse off my face, brush my teeth, get dress, and put my hair up in a bun. Once I was done, I came out to find Jacob sitting up on the bed checking his phone.

"Goodmorning!" I smiled.

"Haha goodmorning. You sleep good?"

"Yes! I'm dreading going back on the road again where I get like no sleep." I answered.

"Hahaha speaking of which... I think I know where we should go next."



My heart sunk into my stomach. I knew he would eventually say Memphis, but I didn't know how to tell him we can't go there.

"Jacob... can we skip over Memphis and go to Jacksonville, Florida or something?"

"Why? What's wrong with Memphis?" He asked.

"Look..." I made my way over to the bed and sat down next to him. "My family lives there. And if we go there, I already know we are gonna get caught. My family would rat you out in a second if they spotted us. So we would both end up in jail. Ever since the day at the white house, my phone rings once a day... from my mother. I can never bring up the courage to answer... cause you know-"

"They can trace phone calls."

"Exactly. And I also don't know how to tell her what's really going on. My mom has been my best friend for so long, but I guess some things you just can't really talk about to your best friend right?" 

"Pause. I thought I was your best friend." Jacob smiled as he nudged me.

"Hahaha shut up Jacob I'm serious. Can we just not go there? Please." 

"First you gotta do something for me." He said.

"Yeah sure, what?"

"Repeat after me. Jacob Perez is my bestest friend ever."

"Jacob! This is so dumb! What are we 12???" I laughed.

"Yes. We are! Now say it or I'm driving to Memphis!"

"Ugh. Jacob Perez is my bestest friend ever. There, happy?" I said.

"Not yet. I wasn't finished....... 'And I will never leave him."

"And I will never leave him." I smiled.

"Okay! Now we're done! Jacksonville it is!" 

It was these moments that made this whole situation not so bad. Not the moments chilling out, but the moments when my best friend made me laugh. It made me feel as if there was nothing to ever worry about.

On the Run- A Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now